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Video Kasparov
08.03.2005 Kasparov is making news with his moves in Linares; we take a moment to listen to his words. We recently made a video interview with the world #1 for an upcoming ChessBase Magazine. In these sample clips he talks about his Russian Championship win and what we might have seen in the 1975 Fischer-Karpov match.

Kasparov on CBM

We offer you a preview of an upcoming edition of ChessBase Magazine. We recorded a wide-ranging conversation with Garry Kasparov, covering everything from his win in the Russian Championship to his book on Fischer to his new ChessBase DVDs. You'll be able to see the entire interview in on the CD-ROM, coming soon to our shop. Meanwhile, you can check out these quick clips in Windows Media format. Click the images to download/launch the videos. More coming soon!

Kasparov won the 2004 Russian Championship after a two-year drought. What was going through his mind as he got ready to face Morozevich, Grischuk, Svidler, and other young stars? Kasparov talks about having no choice but to win.

The fourth book of Kasparov's Great Predecessors series focuses on Bobby Fischer and we talked extensively about this work. The always-animated Kasparov discusses Fischer's chances against Anatoly Karpov in the 1975 world championship match that never was. How would Fischer have fared against the new generation after three years away from the board?

ChessBase Magazine on CD-ROM contains thousands of recent games, hundreds with expert annotations. In addition you get over games from different high-quality correspondence tournaments. There are special sections on tactics, strategy, endgames, and extensive theory articles, all by great experts in the field. The multimedia section contains extensive high-quality multimedia reports and interviews.


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