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Adams: 'The strongest player will win'
17.09.2005 Michael Adams, Britain's strongest GM ever, has twice been a hair's breath away from the world championship title. Once he lost to Anand in the semi-finals, last year in the finals to Rustam Kasimdzhanov. In San Luis later this month Adams gets another go at it. Here are his answers to the ten (well, to eight) questions of the organiser.

The FIDE World Chess Championship will take place in the Hotel Potrero de los Funes Complex, in the Province of San Luis, Argentina, from September 27 to October 16, 2005.

WCC San Luis 2005 Press Release

Adams: “The strongest player will win”

Michael Adams was interviewed by the Press Office of the World Chess Championship San Luis 2005. He said that this event will gather “eight very strong players, so anything can happen”. He declared that the double round-robin format is fair enough to assure that “the strongest player will win”. From his previous visit to Argentina he remembers “excellent steaks and red wine”.

Ten questions

1. What are your expectations about this important competition?

There are eight very strong players in the tournament - so anything can happen!

2. How do you evaluate the way of play of this competition? (Double round-robin)

The double round format is very fair. The strongest player will win.

3. Which are your favourite players among your seven opponents? And who will be the toughest?

All the players are tough. I will tell you my favourites after the event! But probably Anand, Topalov and Leko are the favourites, but the players are very evenly matched.

4. How are you preparing yourself for the WCC Argentina 2005?

Of course I will do a lot of work for this very important event.

5. Do you think that you will be coming being in your best competition level?

I hope so!

6. Which will be the "tips" to win the competition?

(Adams didn’t answer this question)

7. Will this tournament be very different from all the others you have already played?

It is one of the most important.

8. Will the spectators be seeing "new things" in the way of playing?

I am sure they will enjoy many high quality games.

9. Why should spectators not miss this championship?

(Adams didn’t answer this question)

10. Name the first things that come into your mind when you think of Argentina.

Excellent steaks and red wine! I visited Buenos Aires before and enjoyed it very much. I am looking forward to seeing San Luis.

Short biography

Michael Adams: International Grandmaster. Born in England on November 17th, 1971. With a 2719 Elo he is currently number 13 of FIDE’s world ranking. He is the best player in England’s chess history. At the age of 17 he won the British championship for the first time. In 1997, Adams took part in the FIDE knock-out tournament to decide who would play against the FIDE champion Anatoli Karpov. He won short matches against Tamas Georgadze, Sergei Tiviakov, Peter Svidler, Loek Van Wely and Nigel Short, before losing in the finals to Viswanathan Anand. His most notable tournament victory was at “Dos Hermanas” in 1999, finishing ahead of important world players such as Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Svidler, Anatoli Karpov, Veselin Topalov, and Judit Polgar.

Source: Press Office of the WCC San Luis 2005


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