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'It's like London, Gastings and Gaaga-Moscow'
22.09.2005 Alexander Morozevich is one of the most talented and imaginative players in the world, a true “belle époque” chess master who could well produce the most interesting games at the San Luis world championship. "Moro", who can be taken lightly by nobody, fears Peter Leko most. Here are his answers to the ten question of the organiser.

The FIDE World Chess Championship will take place in the Hotel Potrero de los Funes Complex, in the Province of San Luis, Argentina, from September 27 to October 16, 2005..

WCC San Luis 2005 Press Release

Morozevich: “Only the winner will be happy with his competition level”

Russian Alexander Morozevich, in an exchange with the Press Office of the World Chess Championship San Luis 2005, expressed the opinion that all the players who take part of this tournament are very strong “and they were not invited by mistake”. He said that his hardest rival is Peter Leko. When asked if he will be arriving in his best level, he answered that only the champion will be happy with his own level. Among the “tips” for winning this WCC, he mentioned three: “stamina, charisma, luck”. For giving this event the importance it deserves, he declared that tournaments of this kind rarely occur, and the next one will be “just a little bit sooner than Halley comet”.

Ten questions

1.) What are your expectations about this important competition?

I consider this competition as a big step for getting out of the actual chaos.

2. How do you evaluate the way of play of this competition? (Double round-robin)

Any system can have deficiencies. The chosen format is more objective than others.

3. Which are your favourite players among your seven opponents? And who will be the toughest?

All the players are very strong and were not invited by mistake. For me, the hardest competitor is Peter Leko.

4. How are you preparing yourself for the WCC Argentina 2005?

In Aquarius time, old methods of preparation are no longer valid. You need new instruments and methods for working. I’m in that way. But my last results don’t give me much hope.

5. Do you think that you will be coming being in your best competition level?

Only the winner will be happy with his competition level.

6. Which will be the "tips" to win the competition?

Stamina, charisma, luck.

7. Will this tournament be very different from all the others you have already played?

This tournament makes me remember the ones of London 1851, Gastings 1895, and Gaaga-Moscow 1948 (sic). Now it’s our time

8. Will the spectators be seeing "new things" in the way of playing?

I hope in Argentina aren’t used only the Najdorf system and the Russian play.

9. Why should spectators not miss this championship?

As I said, competitions like this one are very few in the world of chess. Next won’t be very soon (just a little bit sooner than Halley comet, hehe).

10. Name the first things that come into your mind when you think of Argentina.

(Morozevich didn’t answer this question)

Short biography

Alexander Morozevich: International Grandmaster. Born on July 18th, 1977 in Moscow. He is the most creative of the participants. His matches have the magic of the “belle époque” of chess. In 2003 he won the Biel International Chess Festival with 8 points over 10 and tied Peter Svidler for the first position in the 56th Russian Championship. In 2004 he won the 13th Amber Blindfold and tied Vladimir Kramnik for first in the overall standings. Comments by his colleagues say it all: “He is the greatest talent in modern chess, with original openings. He has a great chance of winning the title” (Adrian Mikhalchishin, Grandmaster). Alexander is the most original chess player among the best ones” (Yasser Seirawan, Grandmaster). His Elo rating is 2707.

Source: Press Office of the WCC San Luis 2005


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