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The Grandmaster and the Creature from a Parallel World
27.04.2002 Sergei Tiviakov, born in Russia, now living in Holland, is a very strong grandmaster. Recently he played in the 6th Golden Cleopatra tournament in Cairo, which he duly won. During his stay he visited the Great Pyramids and brought back some spectacular pictures – and an astonishing tale of an encounter with a creature from the parallel world. This you have to see to believe.

An encounter with the parallel world

Sergei Tiviakov was born in Krasnodar (USSR) in 1973. He started playing chess at the age of 5, from 1980 until 1984 he was a pupil in the school of the Former World Champion Vassily Smyslov.

Sergei became the World Junior Champion U-16 in 1989 and U-18 in 1990. The GM title cam in 1991 and in 1995 he finished his studies in ther Ecomony of Agriculture. Since September 1997 he has lived in Groningen (Netherlands).

Sergei speaks Russian, English, Italian, Dutch and Spanish. He has visited 38 countries and territories so far. His hobbies are art, Russian pop music, reading. He is one of our favourite contributors to ChessBase Magazine, supplying us with very interesting articles and insightful game commentary.

Attending the Botvinnik-Kasparov school

Strange encounters

At the beginning of April this year Sergei attended the 6th Golden Cleopatra international open chess tournament in Cairo. He had always dreamt of visiting Egypt, especially since he had a deep interest in the pyramids and the unknown. During his stay he (a) won the tournament and (b) had some remarkable encounters. The link below will lead you to a full and richly illustrated account of the latter.

When you read Sergei's article you may get the impression that he may have been conned by a group of mystics the way so many European tourists are conned when they visit exotic countries. But his interest in the subject did not start with this trip to Egypt. Just before he left he already told us a lot about what he expected to find in the vicinity of the Great Pyramids. "I don't believe in the curse of the mummy," he wrote, "but nevertheless I am not sure whether I'll go inside the Pyramids."

He did and comes back with some remarkable theories and pictures. Sergei believes that inside burial chamber of the Chefren Pyramid his camera captured an image of the "Asuri" – a creature from the parallel world which is not normally visible to humans. He presents a photograph of the creature, the only picture of its kind in the world!

The pictures in Sergei's report are in medium resolution – if you want to study the key picture in the original he will send it to you. The detail above is in the original resolution (Camera Canon PowerShot S40, full image sitz 2272 x 1704 pixels, flash and red-eye reduction on).

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