Here are some additional "Asian Rules" which are often used in tournaments. 


- Check: A move threatening to take the king in the next move.
- Threat: A move threatening to take a piece in the next move.
- Kill: A move threatening to checkmate by continuous checks in the next moves.
- Perpetual: Repeated moves under same situation.

Thumb rules

- If only one side is repeating forbidden moves, he should change them, or he will be ruled a loss.
- If both sides repeat forbidden moves, the game is ruled a draw if both sides do not change. If only one side keeps checking, he should change his moves.
- Sometimes a move can be judged in two ways (say, both a threat and a kill), the one that may be judged as a forbidden move is selected.
- One can ask the arbiter to claim a draw if there are no pieces taken and no more than 10 checks by him within the latest 60 rounds.

Forbidden Perpetual moves

- Perpetual checks are forbidden.
- Perpetual threats on one unprotected piece (except for a non-crossed-river pawn) are forbidden.
- Perpetual threats on a chariot with cannons and/or horses are forbidden.
- Pawns and kings are allowed to do perpetual threats but pawns are not allowed to do perpetual checks.

Some Other Notes:

- If you touch the chessman, you have to make your move with that chessman.
- Threats alternatively on two or more pieces are allowed.
- Continuous checks or threats under different situations are not considered as perpetual.