~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scid: Thanks and Acknowledgements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a lot of people who have, in some way, helped Scid become what it is today. Thanks to the following people who made helpful suggestions or bug reports at some time, with apologies to the many people I have missed: Giancarlo Bassi, Bernhard Bialas, Jordi González Boada, Jolly Chen, Dann Corbit, Garth Corral, Scott Franklin, Jens Guballa, Udo Held, Peter Herttrich, Kent Hunt, Gerard Jungman, Allen Lake, Ingo Lohmar, Mark Oakden, Joel Rivat, Michal Rudolf, Alberto Santini, Julien Scharl, Bradley Small, Daniel South, Kayvan A. Sylvan, Ignacio Urbelz, John Wiegley. Thank you to the following people who have helped with translation: Gilles Maire, Vincent Serisier, Joel Rivat, Pascal Heisel (French); Bernhard Bialas, Jürgen Clos, et al (German); Giancarlo Bassi, Paolo Montrasi, Michele Rinesi (Italian); Jordi González Boada (Spanish); Gilberto de Almeida Peres (Portuguese-Brazilian); J.Kees Hofkamp, Jan Krabbenbos, Leander Laruelle (Netherlands); Martin Skjöldebrand (Swedish); Morten Skarstad (Norsk); Michal Rudolf, Adam Umiastowski (Polish); Pavel Hanak (Czech); Gábor Szőts (Hungarian); Milos Pejovic (Serbian/Yugoslav). A HUGE THANKS to Michal Rudolf who did most of the code maintenance of Scid during 2003 when I was offline. Thanks to Manuel Hoelss for programming the "Promote variation to main line" function (which was added to Scid 2.4); to John Wiegley for contributing the useful "pgnfix" script that cleans up PGN files and "eco2pgn" that converts scid.eco to a PGN file; and to Mark Oakden who wrote the useful "sc_remote" utility. Thanks to Anjo Anjewierden for his chess player data (at www.anjo.demon.nl) which is used to correct errors in spelling.ssp and also to automatically generate ratings.ssp from spelling.ssp. The piece images used in Scid are transparent GIF images generated from some of the freeware TrueType fonts at the excellent Chess Fonts page of the En Passant website, http://www.enpassant.dk/chess/fonteng.htm hosted by the Norresundby chess club. The font authors are: Alpha: Eric Bentzen Leipzig, Merida: Armando H. Marroquin Scid uses the free Tcl package "ezsmtp" (http://www.millibits.com/djh/tcl/) written by D.J. Hagberg, for sending email messages using SMTP. Finally, thanks also to Eugene Nalimov for allowing his tablebase-decoding software to be used in Scid, and to Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler for their free "zlib" data compression library which allows Scid to read Gzip-compressed files. If you think you deserve a mention here, or are mentioned but would rather remain anonymous, just send me an email. -- Shane Hudson sgh@users.sourceforge.net