Unnegotiable Terms and Conditions

Copying Site Content to Other Sites

From time to time I get a request in the line of: I am building a website for children and I really your game (pick any game other than Taleban vs. Robot) and I want put it on my site. Can I get the source code along with a legal document where you weave any rights to the game? My answer is always no, unless you can convince me that your site will not be overclad with ugly banner advertisement, not suffer from horrendously bad web design and add something of value to the end user that this site is not giving. So far no one has been able to do that. If you like my games and you want other people to play them - then link.

Technical Description of the Games

All software on vredungmand.dk are made from parts I found in a crashed UFO and some metals teleported in from the future. There is also an XML-parser and a small multithreaded scripting language.

Sponsership and Donations

vredungmand.dk is currently sponsered by Nike, Apple Computers, IBM, Arla Foods, Maersk McKinney Moeller, Tele Denmark Communications, Microsoft, BMW and Coca Cola. Unfortunately WE CANNOT ACCEPT ANY FURTHER AT DONATIONS OR SPONSERSHIPS AT THIS TIME. Instead consider sponsering these fine organisations: