These pages are devoted to all aspects of chess graphics. Photographs, cartoons, ray tracing, paintings, drawings and much else.
News: The site now has it's own domaine name, please update your bookmarks/links. Thankyou. [december 2002]
I am no longer actively maintaining this site but it will remain available in its present form. [june 2002]

Main sections on this site: [Thumbnails] [Catalogue] [Search] [Random] [cartoons] [ray tracing] [films] [pictures] [players] [pieces] [font]

This site is a member of the palamede group of websites which I founded. It is now run by Pascal Villalba with assistance from Eric Bentzen, Gerard Demuydt, Hans Bodlaender, David Howe and John Knudsen.
[Palamede] [Notzai] [En Passant] [Variants] [Correspondencechess] [Knudsen]  [Campbell]  [Marconi]  [Mieux Jouer aux Echecs] [Roos] [La Régence] [Calendar]

Various images intended as resources for desk top publishing and logos.

Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

some black and white designs of my own 1 2
and two larger versions of a knight/rook design intended for use on tshirts.

Odds and ends

If you wish to link to this site you may like to use this graphic


This site is a member of the Palamede group of chess sites.
[Palamede] [Notzai] [En Passant] [Variants] [Correspondencechess] [Knudsen]  [Campbell]  [Marconi]  [Mieux Jouer aux Echecs] [Roos] [La Régence] [Calendar]

Last modified december 2002.