Gearbox is at it again creating another fine, and frankly moving masterpiece in its new WWII FPS, Brothers In Arms. The game follows the self-narrated experiences of Sgt. Matt Baker as he leads his group of paratroopers through the perils of the European conflict in the 1940s. The crux of the game lies in Matt’s reactions to his situations, and whether he’ll choose to take care of his squad mates, or sacrifice them for the good of his mission.

One could talk about the foggy realism of the world Gearbox has created for the game’s story, or the palpable danger of being in the middle of an attacking German rush. What truly makes Brothers In Arms stand out from many other games of its kind is its immersive storyline (based in real life) and the fact that the FPS action is concatenated with a tactical strategy element.

It seems that very little will be left to chance where the heart of BIA lies. Scenes depicting the trauma and chaos of the situations inherent in war bring the impact home to those that have never had the wartime experience. This is where the magic of BIA shows the most. Something basic is at work in relating this tale, which transcends the specifics of the soldiers and their stories, and attempts to touch the player personally. Expect to see Brothers In Arms in all its glory in the fourth quarter of 2004.

- Tim Eller

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