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Rogue Trooper is being published by SCi and is for the Xbox and PS2. Its an action stealth game with the main character being a genetically enhanced warrior. The game is also based on the comic that has been around for a while.

The story is that you and 3 buddies were sent to an area to kill the enemy but you were ambushed and your buddies were killed. You took the chips that were embedded in them and put them in your helmet, backpack, and gun. They can talk to you and you can talk to them. Most of the time they give you guff about whats going on but also offer helpful tips. Also you can use the helmet to crack security codes while you set up the gun as a defensive fixture. This adds a bit of strategy to the game as to what is the best way to keep you from getting killed.

The game has a 3rd person view and also allows you to take cover behind objects. You can blindly fire around a corner to attract the enemy or to attempt to kill them. Also if you aim around there will be an icon that lets you know that you dont have line of sight, so you cant hit them if you tried.

The graphics are great and the title hits shelves sometime in 2006.

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