GameKnot online chess
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Even if you are a very strong chess player, you will still need to establish your rating on the site by playing potentially weaker opponents. It doesn't take long to establish a rating, usually within first 10-20 games you will have a pretty good approximation of your playing level among other players on the site.

1. Logging in: first of all you need to log in from the front page by supplying your user name and password and then clicking "log in". Your browser must support cookies. If you are not sure what it is, don't worry it is enabled by default in most modern browsers.

2. Starting a game: to start a new game, simply select "start game" from the menu on the left side of the page. You have three different options -- you can start a new game that everybody will be able to join, or you can challenge another player to a game, or you can invite your friends to join to play with you. Don't forget to make your first move after you've created a game! To learn how to make moves, click on "help" from the game page.

3. Joining a game: to join an existing game, select "join game" from the menu. You will be given a list of all available games. To join a game, click on "join!" next to the game you'd like to play. Please make sure you are comfortable with the "time per move" setting before joining.

4. Playing games: you can participate in several games at the same time. It is usually a good idea to limit it to some reasonable number though. You will be notified via e-mail if it is your turn to move in any of your games. Or you can simply click "my games" in the menu once in a while to find out if it's your turn.

5. Preferences: you can go to your profile page and adjust several aspects of this site to your liking.

6. Logging out: if you select "remember my info" when loggin in, the system will remember you for 30 days, so you won't need to log in every time you play. It is a good idea to log out before you leave if other people have access to the same computer though.

If you are using Internet Explorer for Windows, don't forget to download GameKnot Chess Toolbar -- it provides easy and convenient access to all GameKnot features from a single menu!

Make sure to read the F.A.Q. page also to help you understand how this site works.

Have fun and feel free to e-mail your questions or suggestions to webmaster.

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