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home > News > Movies > Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects Movies
By at 09:31 on July the 11th, 2005
EA taps top comic talent including renowned artist, Jae Lee, to unleash the ultimate super hero fighting videogame
The E3 2005 movie and three new trailers from Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects are now available for download, offering a glimpse of this title in development under the EA GAMES brand and slated for this fall for the PS2, Xbox, GC and PSP. The game will feature Super Heroes from the Marvel Universe as well as a new set of characters created through collaboration with EA and top comic book industry talent, such as Jae Lee and Paul Catling. Developed by Nihilistic Software, Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects will also feature more than a dozen fighters in fully interactive and destructible environments. Gamers will have full control over the individual characters with each fighter having unique attributes and super powers that are true to their background adding more depth and fighting strategy to the game.


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