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Linares 2000 - Round 4 Chess Logo
8 March 2000

Round 4 (March 3)
Anand-Kasparov 0-1
Leko-Kramnik 1/2-1/2
Shirov-Khalifman 1/2-1/2

Anand vs Kasparov

Preparing for Kasparov is no easy task since you know you'll probably have to play a second rate variation to surprise him. This has been known to work on occasion, a good example being Sokolov-Kasparov, Wijk aan Zee 1999 (1-0), but it usually means you'll be worse with black and forfeiting your advantage with white.

Anand surely knew this when he opted for 10.Nd5 in the quiet Be2-line of the Najdorf Sicilian, but the Indian was probably just interested in obtaining a position that was fairly easy to handle. Anand's previous game with Shirov had shown beyond any doubt that his tactical skills hadn't made it through Spanish customs.

Despite this solid approach, Anand suffered his second consecutive loss with White after making some pretty paranoid decisions in the middlegame.

View Anand-Kasparov

Leko vs Kramnik

Most people were expecting this encounter to be about as exciting as watching paint dry, so I imagine they were pleasantly surprised when Kramnik switched from the solid Petroff to the extremely sharp Sveshnikov Sicilian. Leko is no stranger to this variation, as he regularly plays it himself, but he still ended up on the defensive as Kramnik was able to establish thematic pressure along the g-file.

Kramnik may actually have been clearly better just before the first time control, but a slight inaccuracy cost him his winning chances.

Shirov vs Khalifman

Khalifman once again employed the French Defence against 1.e4 and had no trouble equalising after Shirov chose a slightly offbeat sideline in the Advance variation (3.e5). Khalifman was in my opinion clearly better when Shirov offered a draw on move 21, but the FIDE World Champion obviously lacks the necessary confidence to play for a win in this star-studded field.