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Linares 2000 - Round 9 Chess Logo
12 March 2000

Round 9 (March 9)
Leko-Kasparov 1/2-1/2
Shirov-Kramnik 1/2-1/2
Anand-Khalifman 1-0

Although Kasparov is the world's leading expert on the Najdorf Sicilian, he failed to equalise against the young Hungarian's fairly straightforward opening strategy. After being forced into an inferior endgame, Kasparov blundered (his own words) on move 20 when he apparently missed a simple fork which won Leko a pawn.

The critical point arose two moves later, when Leko had to choose between two natural continuations. As "luck" would have it, he chose the wrong one and Kasparov was able to escape. A close call for Garry, I'd say.

View Leko-Kasparov

Shirov vs Kramnik

Yet again Kramnik chose to take matters into his own hands, throwing anything resembling caution to the wind. In his pet Sveshnikov Sicilian, he uncorked a novelty on move 17, the point of which became apparent three moves later when he sacrificed his d-pawn for the attack.

Too bad he took time out for 22...a5, which turned out to be too slow. After this, Shirov was able to sac the pawn back to force an equal ending.

View Shirov-Kramnik

Anand vs Khalifman

What goes up, must come down. At least that's what Newton's Law of Gravity tells us. And Khalifman never came close to breaking the law in his second encounter with Anand.

After beating Leko in impressive fashion, the FIDE Champ obediently rolled over and let World no 2 walk all over him, thus allowing the rest of the "pack" to catch up with him.

View Anand-Khalifman