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Chess Instruction - Improve your Game

FAQs Index

In the ...g6 Sicilian, which do you prefer : accelerated or regular Dragon? Why?

I found a new opening move that's not in my database. Can you see what's wrong?

What's the trick to memorize openings, especially replies to opponents' moves?

How can I improve my opening play?

How many openings should I learn? Which ones? Which 3-4 would you suggest?

What's the most important thing about the opening?

What are those codes with a letter and two numbers like B21 or D34?

I was playing in a tournament and disagreed with the director. What can I do?

Sometimes I win against strong players; other times I lose to weak players. Why?

How much work or time does it take to become a master?

My middle game is not as good as it could be. Do you have any tips?

Can you recommend some good instructional sites?

I need some advice to improve my game. Do you have any tips to play better?

How can I play without getting beaten so badly that I regret the attempt?

Is there a tournament calendar on this site?

Where can I play chess online?

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Positional Terminology in Chess The vocabulary of chess is at its best when describing...Join the Discussion : Tournament software? In Tournament software?, DVF of Brasil asks, 'I was thinking...Elsewhere on the Web : Corus 2006 The first Super Grandmaster tournament of the year, the 2006...Chess Tutorial : Opening Essentials Your first task in a chess game is to get...