

How Computers
play chess

How NagaSkaki
plays chess

Tips for writing a
chess program


Download NagaSkaki

Installing NagaSkaki
Unzip the file to any folder (e.g. c:\NagaSkaki)
To run NagaSkaki, double click on NagaSkaki.exe

Download info
Version: NagaSkaki 3.07
File: skaki_307.zip (1.8 Mb)
Platforms supported: Windows 95/98/NT/XP/2000

Version History:

NagaSkaki 3.07
Fixed 50 move draw bug
Two new chess sets (created by Francis Oa)
Added resigning

NagaSkaki 3.0
Added mobility
Added Lazy evaluation
Made some positional changes, added more endgame knowledge
Increased searching speed (Nodes/second)
New book Format
Added "Challenger" Chess set (created by Bryan Whitby)
Added a Wood Pusher level
Fixed a lot of bugs
This version seems to be about 100 elo stronger than NagaSkaki 2.41

NagaSkaki 2.41
Fixed a bug in draw by threefold repetition
Improved time usage when there is little time left
Changed the hash structures (made them a bit smaller)
Use Null move with R=2 and R=3
Made a few positional improvements
Implemented the Winboard commands: "time" and "otim" for better compatability with Internet Chess Servers

NagaSkaki 2.30b
Fixed a bug for seconds/move level

NagaSkaki 2.30
Shows the Principal variation
Quiescent search doesn't look at checks (generate all moves), except for the first quiescent ply
Improved endgame knowledge when only one pawn left
Improved king safety/attack algorithm
Added futility pruning at frontier and pre-frontier nodes
Added internal iterative deepening
Changed from Alpha-beta to PV search algorithm
Will only play moves from the opening book if a shallow search shows them not worse than 35 centipawns
This version seems to be about 100 elo stronger than 2.04

NagaSkaki 2.04
Fixed a bug when pondering under Winboard
Improved time usage when time is less than one minute

NagaSkaki 2.01
Improved Winboard support (especially for wb2uci.exe)
Previous version didn't load the Hash size and Opening Book from nagaskaki.ini when running under Winboard.

NagaSkaki 2.0
Added Winboard support
Added 3 different chess sets, improved drag and drop behaviour, added an option to load FEN files, the last piece that moved is now highlighted.
Rewrote search and evaluation function (NagaSkaki is now faster and dumber!)
Added hashing of pawn values

NagaSkaki 1.1
Added razoring to Quiescent search (Search depth is on average about one ply deeper)
Modified graphics to work on VGA 256 colours

NagaSkaki 1.0
Improved playing strength (Added internal iterative deepening, rewrote most of the search function)
Fixed a lot of bugs (Especially in the hash table)
Made the images of the pieces and board sharper
Added pondering, thus NagaSkaki thinks on opponents time
Added a lot of moves to the opening book
Modified the "Easy" level to make more random moves (and thus play weaker)
Other small improvements, like board coordinates, splash screen, etc.

NagaSkaki 0.90
Added Chess clocks and more levels (Seconds/Move, Blitz and Tournament.)
Improved positional play.
Fixed a few bugs (would sometimes lose on the 50 move draw rule.)
Removed "flickering" when moving pieces.

NagaSkaki 0.85
Improved positional play (NagaSkaki can now detect a promoting pawn without looking ahead).
Improved move-ordering.
Implemented an aspiration window for the root search.
Fixed a bug in the hash table (Moves were stored even when the search was interrupted and thus could have a faulty value)
Fixed a bug in loading pgn files (Sometimes pawn captures weren't loaded correctly).
Added a few more moves to the opening library.

© 2002-2004 by Neels Groenewald
e-mail: NagaSkaki@yahoo.com

Last updated: 22 March 2004