World Class PC, Mac and Palm Chess Software on your desktop and in the Palm of your hand!

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Opening Book

A chess program that can do more than calculate!

Hiarcs has long been renowned for its human-like playing style, now Hiarcs 10 goes much further with improved chess knowledge, a more aggressive style and an ability to search very deeply for the truth of a position. New chess knowledge enables Hiarcs 10 to identify deep attacking motifs long before they become apparent especially concerning king attacks and unbalanced positions and material. Hiarcs 10 often prefers initiative and attacking options over more materialistic concerns associated with traditional chess programs. Matched to this new chess knowledge Hiarcs 10 searches much more deeply than its predecessor often enabling it to find new unexpected moves and ideas much faster.

New enhancements mean that while playing or analysing games, Hiarcs 10 is able to learn more about the positions and moves it sees to improve its chess strength in future games. This feature is essential for all chess players who analyse chess games, studies, positions and openings as it enables Hiarcs 10 to understand deep strategic or tactical ideas while analysing with you. With Hiarcs 10 you get an intelligent chess partner which actually learns and improves with you!

The new Hiarcs 10 opening book is included which has been significantly enhanced with the latest GM theory and a wealth of novelties to provide a huge repertoire of finely tuned variations. This is the work of computer chess expert Eric Hallsworth and Hiarcs author Mark Uniacke who have combined to provide an exceptional new opening book. 

These features all add up to make Hiarcs 10 an essential tool for chess players of all strengths making the chess games you play or analyse much more interesting, unpredictable and exciting than ever before.

Key features:

bulletChess engine Hiarcs 10 by Mark Uniacke
bulletSpecial Hiarcs 10 opening book by Eric Hallsworth and Mark Uniacke
bulletLatest user interface with many training functions for beginners, club players and grandmasters
bulletSupports Chess960 or Fischer Random Chess
bulletExclusive photo-realistic 3D boards in various designs
bulletAccess to the ChessBase internet server “Playchess.com” (free for 12 months)
bulletDatabase with 1,000,000 games


HIARCS 10 available from 16th December can be purchased from all good chess shops and on the internet:

Countrywide Computers

ChessBase Shop

Classical Games


HIARCS is a team effort and we would like to acknowledge the special contribution made by the following people:

Chess Engine: Mark Uniacke

Opening Book: Eric Hallsworth and Mark Uniacke

Extensive Testing: Eric Hallsworth, Enrico Carrisco, Harvey Williamson and Thorsten Czub



"I've been in the chess computer software biz for over a decade and I can tell you that I have never heard more raves from users over any other chess program than I've heard over Hiarcs. Users love this chess engine. I've received literally scores of highly favorable e-mails and comments from happy Hiarcs owners over the years. If you never buy another chess engine, you owe it to yourself to add Hiarcs to your stable of chess playing programs. Playing against Hiarcs is very much like playing against a strong human player." - Hiarcs 9 review by Steve Lopez 17/10/2003
"HIARCS is much better positionally than Deep Blue." - Garry Kasparov 1997 (after game 5 of the rematch)
For Palm, PC & Mac Chess Software with attitude, features and chess playing strength, you can't beat HIARCS!
HIARCS is designed and developed by Mark Uniacke. Contact
the HIARCS Team here. Read our Privacy Policy here
HIARCS is a trademark of Applied Computer Concepts Ltd. All other product trademarks acknowledged.
Copyright © 2005 Applied Computer Concepts Ltd. All rights reserved. Last modified: Tuesday December 13, 2005 .