Board   E4EC
The most important features of the club and the chess server

Simultaneous Games

A new player can play 16 simultaneous games initially. This number raises by 2 with each normally finished game.
A game is normally finished if it has ended in checkmate, stalemate, resign, draw agreement or draw claim.
After a player have played 5 games, she can enter for the tournaments of the club.
The maximal number of simultaneous games can lower also. If a player loses a game by time forfeit, this value lowers by 3. This is for protecting the other serious players.

Available from Jan 01, 2002.

The following list contains the most important features of the club.
Click on any of them to find more about them.
If you are interested in all the details, please check the Details page also.

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Hutton Pairing

Hutton pairing is a system of matching many teams while demanding only one game from each player taking part. It was devised in 1921 by a Scottish clergyman, George Dickson Hutton (1866 - 1929), and has been used regularly for correspondence team events and for matches where many teams assemble on one day, for this reason it is sometimes called "jamboree pairing".

The players in each team are ranked in order of strength and each player meets someone of similar ranking. When the number of teams is one more than the number of boards, each team meets every other team on one board only. Organisers use pairing tables which enable them to cope with any number of teams and any number of boards.

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