Ave-Kontakt European Amateurs Championship in Chess
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CZECH OPEN 2005 - 2nd International Backgammon Tournament


Organizer: AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o.

Tournament director: Jan Stastna

Main k.o. tournament (15.-16.7.)
- participation of players without age and performance limitations
- k.o. system: games until 11 points are achieved, semifinals 13 points, finals 15 points, progressive consolation tournament for players knocked out from the main tournament: games until 7 points, finals until 9 points
- starting fee 6 EUR
- side pool - possibility of increasing the stakes by 500 CZK (approx. 16,5 EUR) in the side pool, side pool will by divided among best placed players participating in it, criteria used for prizes distribution will be given before the tournament according to the number of participants, 100% of side pool will be paid out
- financial prizes: 1 500 CZK for the winner, 1 000 CZK for the finalist of the main tournament, 1 000 CZK for the winner of the consolation tournament
- time schedule:

Friday 15. 7. 15:30 – 17:00 registration, accommodation
18:00 1. round
Saturday 16. 7. 10:00 2. round and consolation
13:00 semi-finals
16:00 finals
19:00 results announcement

(Time schedule is approximate, playing system and number of rounds could be modified according to number of participants).

Side amateur tournament (17.7.)
- participation of players without age and performance limitations
- 5 rounds by Swiss system, matches without doubling dice up to 3 points
- starting fee 2 EUR
- material prizes
- time schedule:

Sunday 17. 7. 08:30 - 09:30 registration, accommodation
10:00 - 15:00 1.-5. round
15:30 presentation of results

(Time schedule is approximate, playing system and number of rounds could be modified according to number of participants).

Place of registration, accommodation, playing halls, presentation of results: 
Duhova arena, Sukova trida 1775, Pardubice, connection from the railway station by No. 3 and 4 trolley bus or by No. 16 and 17 bus (4th stop)