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This journal serves as my development journal. Therefore, expect few and sparse updates. Unless I actually get off my ass and do something. Then maybe I'll update it. Or not.

Monday, February 6, 2006
ISX DSetup DLL is an extension for Inno Setup that makes checking DirectX versions and updating DirectX incredibly easy. The extension comes with sample scripts demonstrating how to use ISXDX (as it is abbreviated) and only requires that the setup author has access to the DirectX SDK to use.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
As I wait for my Ubuntu CDs to arrive in the mail, I've been piecemealing updates to the old and out-of-date Mandrake 9 distro I have on my computer. Every week I grab packages that I use (or want to use), bring them home, and build and install them.

I'm starting to wonder if I should even bother with Ubuntu when it arrives. I feel that I might be better off going the LFS way right now. The lazy bastard in me says to simply wait.

The thing is, Mandrake 9 can't deal with my computer too well. Apparently my CD-RW is a plain CD-ROM drive, and it refuses to let me use USB devices such as my memstick. For these reasons, Windows is still my primary operating system. (Honestly, though, until I find an IDE as good as Visual Studio's IDE, Windows probably will remain primary, anyway.) But I would like to use Linux more and more.

Right now, the build process for Meldstar's project Asylum is half Visual Studio and half gmake. I'm working on making it all done from make, though, in a way that allows me to use VC++ for compiling on Windows and GCC elsewhere. Until autoconf and automake play nice with native Windows (rather than Cygwin or MinGW) it will involve a bunch of hacks (mainly batch files to call vcvars32.bat and then run msbuild on the project or solution files) that make will rely on.

Single build systems are really the way to go; using the same procedure to build on any platform makes project and build management much easier as there are no conflicting build systems to keep in sync. That allows the project manager to keep to the task at hand – developing the project itself, and not its build procedures.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Well, I've integrated OIS into the prototype, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm going to take out the OIS code (temporarily) and restore OGRE's built-in input system in the meantime, so that I can continue working on the rest of the prototype (which requires some input to move to).

I've not yet stuck in Gangsta Wrapper as there's still no use for physics. In fact, it might not even make it into this prototype.

I don't know when I'll get around to this, since the semester is about to end (read: exams and crap) and I hope to use the winter break to unwind from a lot of stressful issues. Maybe I'll do a bit of coding over the break, and maybe I'll let it wait until January.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
After a long time of wanking and coding mere subsystems to tinker with, I'm finally (only 7 months late) starting work on the second architectural prototype for Asylum. Chances are this one might just form the core of the Asylum game engine. (Speaking of work on Asylum, Meldstar Entertainment is still looking for people to fill certain roles, especially in regards to art.)

I started this prototype by gluing together all the new systems (console, multi-platform entry point, etc.) and then adding in the successful parts (read: application FSM) of the first prototype piecemeal. I'm still working on this bit, as some of the app states need to be modified to properly work with the new systems.

Asylum is still using OGRE for graphics, and Crazy Eddie's GUI for user interface. New middleware includes Gangsta Wrapper for physics, and Open Input System for input (neither of which are used in prototype two yet).

Apart from Asylum, I'm already starting to contemplate following up September's GDNet Toronto Mini-Conference. It would probably be again in late summer (either late August or early September) although the location might change as I'll have graduated from GBC by then. The reason I'm thinking about it already this early is because of a convention I attended this weekend that was, unfortunately, an unmitigated disaster on the level of the Hindenburg (at least, as far as anime cons go). After I get to talk to Julian Spillane again (if you're reading this, Julian, e-mail me) perhaps some details might coalesce.

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