Board   E4EC
Some stories from the world of chess...


Al-Adli About 800 years after the birth of Christ, chess was well known in the Arabic World. Al-Adli was the greatest known player of that age until 847. He was the closest friend of the caliph, a poet, and a minister-like official.
The game was a bit different than the modern chess we know. The initial setup was the same, as well as the king, the knight and the rook. The queen was the weakest piece because it could move one square and in diagonals only. Bishop moved in diagonals, but only two sqares, and could jump over pieces, didn't attack and didn't defend the nearest four squares. Pawns could move one step only and there was neider castling.

The following list contains all the stories gathered from here and there.
Click on any of them.


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