Board   E4EC
Tournaments of the club

Players can enter tournaments organised by the club. To protect serious players, new members cannot enter tournaments immediately after their registration. 5 rated games need to be finished to be considered as a serious player and to be able to enter tournaments. Normally finished games are those that end in checkmate, stalemate, a draw agreement, a valid draw claim, or resignation. Friendly, deleted and time forfeited games don't count into this value.

When a player enters for a tournament, those of their games which belong to already entered players are started. Their other games in that tournament are waiting until the corresponding player enters.

When a tournament fills up, another tournament is started automatically with the same parameters. This ensures that in each rating class, in each (future) types there is always a tournament which is open for entrants.

Players can enter for more tournaments until they have enough free game slots. This is 16 initially and raises by 2 with each normally finished games until 100.

Players can play other games simultaneously that are started by challenges or pairing, until the above criteria are met.

Each won game is worth 1 point, a draw 0.5, a lost 0. The winner of a tournament is the player who collects the most points. In the case of a tie, the Sonneborg-Berger formula decides the winner. When the last game finishes in a tournament, the entrants get result announcement and the tournament closes.

All tournaments are time controlled. Now all of them run in 10/30, so 10 moves must be taken in 30 days. The ceiling is 40 days. This means all their games run in that time control. Later another tournaments may come with either faster (e.g. 5+1) or slower (e.g. 10/50) time controls. External organizations' tournaments can run under different time control.

The vacation policy applies to tournament games. Players can announce their planned vacations, or when they are in trouble, the automatic vacation protects their games from timeout.

Currently, the following types of tournaments run:
  • Class based 7 player single round-robin: These tournaments are class based, this ensures that players can play others around the same rating. These classes are shown in the table on the right. In this tournament 7 players play one game with each other entrants in alternating color. This means the maximum number of simultaneous games is 6 for one player.
  • Multiclass 9 player single round-robin: Players of three neighbor classes can enter for the same tournamets. This ensures, players can play others with higher rating difference.
  • Multiclass 6 player double round-robin, Fischer Random: Three neighbor classes belong to these tournaments, but here all players play two games with each opponent, once as black, once as right. The games run under the rules of the Fischer Random variant. A tournament like this means 10 simultaneous games for each entrants.
  • Invitation based 15 player single round-robin: This is almost the same as above, external organizations use this type with 15 entrants. Players according to their previous results are allowed to enter for these tournaments.
Ratings are recalculated after each finished game immediately by the chess server. This is the standard elo rating calculation implemented by the Glicko method. Except those games where the club's Regulations don't apply. These game are not rated by the club.

There is no prize in club level tournaments, but they give good play opportunity and appreciation for the winners.

Chess Tournaments

Modern chess tournaments began in the 1840s and the first international tournament was held in London, in 1851. Strong international tournaments were still quite rare and in the 1880s a master would have been lucky to be able to play in one reasonably strong tournament a year.

By the 1890s, however, a master could enter many strong tournaments throughout the year, and the prize money offered at tournaments made it possible for masters to have a professional chess career.

Nowadays there are many strong tournaments for masters and grandmasters, but there are also a huge number of tournaments for players of every strength. Weaker players today have the chance of improving their play by taking part in such tournaments, which are very competitive.

It's unfortunately possible, that a player directly disturbs another player. In this case she can put him in her ignore list. After that, he can't send messages her, and neither he can challenge her. And of course nor in the other direction.
With this feature players can ignore each other, unfortunately this is useful sometimes.
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