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Habits: Frequent Tanners Can Quit Anytime, or Can They?

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Just Can’t Get Enough
Promoting Awareness of Modern Addictions

Annissa Hambouz, The New York Times Learning Network
Tanya Yasmin Chin, The Bank Street College of Education in New York City

Grades: 6-8, 9-12
Subjects: Health, Media Studies, Science

Interdisciplinary Connections

Overview of Lesson Plan:In this lesson, students learn about recent studies examining sun tanning as a potential addiction. They then research other modern addictions, such as food, video games, shopping, and others to create public service announcements.
Review the Academic Content Standards related to this lesson.

Suggested Time Allowance:1 hour

Students will:
1. Consider their understanding of addiction.
2. Learn about sun tanning as a potential addiction by reading and discussing “Habits: Frequent Tanners Can Quit Anytime, or Can They?”
3. Brainstorm and research “modern” addictions, such as food, shopping, the Internet, and video games.
4. Create public service announcements promoting awareness of different modern addictions and resources available to help.

Resources / Materials:
-student journals
-classroom board
-copies of “Habits: Frequent Tanners Can Quit Anytime, or Can They?” found online at per student)
-computers with Internet access

Activities / Procedures:
1. WARM-UP/DO-NOW: Students respond to the following prompt, written on the board prior to class: “How would you define ‘addiction’? What makes something ‘addictive’? What factors, if any, do you think might contribute to one becoming ‘addicted’? Is there a difference between a ‘habit’ and an ‘addiction’? If so, what is it?”

Allow students several minutes to write, then ask them to share their responses with the class. You may wish to share the following definition (from The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary online at “Addiction: habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond one's voluntary control.” What does it mean to be “beyond one’s voluntary control”? Ask students to brainstorm some “substances” or “practices” that could be viewed as addictive, as you note them on the classroom board. Possible examples might include: alcohol, caffeinated beverages, some prescription drugs, illegal drugs, chocolate, food in general, exercise (“working out”), dieting, the Internet, video games, gambling, shopping, among others.

2. As a class, read and discuss the article “Habits: Frequent Tanners Can Quit Anytime, or Can They?” (, focusing on the following questions:

a. Why do some scientists believe that sun tanning may be addictive?
b. Where did they publish their findings, according to the article?
c. Who participated in their study?
d. What is the difference between a “frequent” and “nonfrequent” tanner?
e. What substances did scientists give the participants in this study, and why?
f. What is “Naltrexone”?
g. What were the results of this study?
h. What are “endorphins,” and what role might they play in sun tanning?

3. Explain to students that they will be researching and promoting awareness of modern addictions by creating public service announcements. Public service announcements are short, "non-commercial" announcements prepared to provide information to the public, usually in television or radio spots ( Famous examples of public service announcements in the United States include “This is Your Brain On Drugs” from Partnership for a Drug-Free America (, Smokey Bear’s “Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires” from the United States Forest Service ( If time and resources allow, you may wish to show students an example of a public service announcement (The National Institute on Drug Abuse catalogues ongoing media campaigns at

As the article suggests, ultraviolet radiation may produce endorphins that create opioid-like effects in sun tanners. Since people have lived and worked outdoors in the sun throughout history, and have most likely benefited from these positive effects, it is important to note that it is the modern “practice” of compulsive tanning (especially in tanning salons) which may be considered potentially addictive. Thinking back to those substances and practices they brainstormed at the beginning of class, ask students to consider which of these might be constituted as “modern” addictions? For example, though caffeinated beverages, chocolate, and other foods are not new, they have not always been available in amounts that could be consumed habitually or compulsively. Shopping, likewise, is a practice that can only become compulsive in a modern society with disposable income or credit and an excess of consumer goods. Technology has helped spawn other addictions as seen in excessive use of the Internet and video and computer games. Have students vote on five to seven such addictions, divide class into that number of groups, and assign one addiction to each.

Using all available classroom resources, each group researches its addiction, using the following questions to guide them (copied onto a handout and distributed to each group):
-Based on your research, does this appear to be an officially recognized “addiction” by the medical or mental health communities? Why or why not?
-What are some characteristics or “signs” of addiction to this substance or practice (i.e., what is the difference between “frequent” use or practice and “addictive” use or practice?)?
-Are there any noted psychological or physiological effects derived from frequent use or practice? If so, what are they? Be sure to cite your source.
-Are there any noted symptoms of “withdrawal” in those who discontinue this use or practice? If so, what are they? Be sure to cite your source.
-What resources are available to those who would like help managing or discontinuing their use or practice? Make a list of services, organizations, and articles or other information.

As some addictions may not have received extensive attention or publication within the medical or mental health communities, be sure to convey the importance of finding reliable online resources (monitor groups carefully as they conduct their research). Once groups have completed their research, they should begin planning their public service announcements. Groups may choose either radio or television announcements, and should design and prepare the presentation of their information accordingly. Before the end of class, each group should divide the writing and preparation of its public service announcement among group members.

[NOTE TO TEACHER: You may wish to inform students that the information they research should not be used to diagnose or treat themselves or others. If they suspect that they or someone they know might have an addiction, they should talk to an adult or seek the advice of a medical or mental health care professional.]

4. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK: Students complete their part of the assigned group work for their public service announcements at home. In the following class period, groups present their announcements.

Further Questions for Discussion:
-Do you think it is possible for society to create addictions? Why or why not? How?
-Which addictions do you think might pose the most danger in your community? Why?

Evaluation / Assessment:
Students will be evaluated based on their responses to the initial exercise as well as participation in class discussion, group research, and presentation of a public service announcement.

addictive, opioid, withdrawal, dermatology, receptors, placebo, randomly, opiate, ultraviolet, radiation, obsessive

Extension Activities:
1. How does ultraviolet light work in nature? Research cases of birds, insects, reptiles, and other creatures whose ability to see and use ultraviolet light puts them at an advantage. Write a paper on your findings.

2. Make a pamphlet on sun safety. Be sure to include helpful scientific information such as the distinction among “UVA,” “UVB,” and “UVC” bands of ultraviolet light.

3. How has the sun tanning industry expanded over the past decade? Write the script of a television news program on the influx of tanning products and services on the market, as well as the revenues generated by them.

4. It seems that the possible endorphin-producing action of ultraviolet light could be a positive effect of spending time in the sun. What other benefits do humans derive from sun exposure? Make a presentation for your science class.

Interdisciplinary Connections:
Global History- The article mentions “opioids.” Investigate the British East India Company’s opium trade with China in the nineteenth century, its effects on Chinese society, and the so-called “Opium Wars.” Write a report on this history-making situation.

Journalism- Interview tanning salon owners and patrons in your area on their thoughts on tanning “addiction.” What do frequent tanners enjoy the most about their sessions? How easily could they stop, if necessary? Write an article for your school or local paper.

Teaching with The Times- Make a crossword puzzle using vocabulary from today’s New York Times Health section. Use a crossword puzzle generator (, or refer to The New York Times Crossword puzzle as an example, if you like.
To order The New York Times for your classroom,click here.

Other Information on the Web
MediaWise, an initiative of the nonprofit organization The National Institute on Media and the Family, publishes a computer and video game addiction fact sheet, found at

Academic Content Standards:
McRELThis lesson plan may be used to address the academic standards listed below. These standards are drawn from Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education: 3rd and 4th Editions and have been provided courtesy of the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning in Aurora, Colorado.

Grades 6-8
Health Standard 2- Knows environmental and external factors that affect individual and community health. Benchmarks: Knows cultural beliefs, socioeconomic considerations, and other environmental factors within a community that influence the health of its members; Understands how various messages from the media, technology, and other sources impact health practices
Health Standard 7- Knows how to maintain and promote personal health. Benchmarks: Knows personal health strengths and risks; Knows how positive health practices and appropriate health care can help to reduce health risks; Knows strategies and skills that are used to attain personal health goals; Understands how changing information, abilities, priorities, and responsibilities influence personal health goals
Health Standard 8- Knows essential concepts about the prevention and control of disease. Benchmark: Understands how lifestyle, pathogens, family history, and other risk factors are related to the cause or prevention of disease and other health problems
Science Standard 16- Understands the scientific enterprise. Benchmark: Knows ways in which science and society influence one another
Connect to State Standard
Language Arts Standard 1- Demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process. Benchmarks: Uses style and structure appropriate for specific audiences and purposes; Writes expository compositions; Writes persuasive compositions; Writes compositions that speculate on problems/solutions
Connect to State Standard
Language Arts Standard 4- Gathers and uses information for research purposes. Benchmark: Uses a variety of resource materials to gather information for research topics
Connect to State Standard

Grades 9-12
Health Standard 2- Knows environmental and external factors that affect individual and community health. Benchmarks: Understands how the environment influences the health of the community; Understands how the prevention and control of health problems are influenced by research and medical advances
Health Standard 7- Knows how to maintain and promote personal health. Benchmarks: Knows how personal behaviors relate to health and well-being and how these behaviors can be modified if necessary to promote achievement of health goals throughout life; Understands the short- and long-term consequences of safe, risky, and harmful behaviors; Understands how personal health needs change during the life cycle
Health Standard 8- Knows essential concepts about the prevention and control of disease. Benchmark: Understands the importance of regular examinations
Science Standard 16- Understands the scientific enterprise. Benchmark: Understands that science involves different types of work in many different disciplines
Connect to State Standard
Language Arts Standard 1- Demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process. Benchmarks: Writes compositions that are focused for different audiences; Writes compositions that fulfill different purposes; Writes expository compositions; Writes persuasive compositions that evaluate, interpret, and speculate about problems/solutions and causes and effects; Writes reflective compositions
Connect to State Standard
Language Arts Standard 4- Gathers and uses information for research purposes. Benchmarks: Uses a variety of news sources to gather information for research topics; Identifies and defends research questions and topics that may be important in the future
Connect to State Standard

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