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Previously in Fallows@Large:

"A Nation of Ninnies" (October 21, 2006)
How Gary Cooper can save us (from mayor Daley, among others). By James Fallows.

"Was Cory Lidle's Airplane at Fault?" (October 14, 2006)
James Fallows suspects not. By James Fallows.

"The Cory Lidle Crash: One Fact, Two Explanations" (October 13, 2006)
James Fallows ponders what might have gone wrong. By James Fallows.

"The Cory Lidle Crash in New York City" (October 11, 2006)
Atlantic correspondent James Fallows, who used to own and fly the same kind of plane in which Cory Lidle died, reflects on the meaning of the crash. By James Fallows.

"What's Wrong With Academia, Chapter 972" (September 25, 2006)
Is it too much to expect an academic to read before criticizing? By James Fallows.

"Go Harvard!" (September 15, 2006)
(Believe it or not.). By James Fallows.



Atlantic Unbound | November 8, 2006
Fallows@Large | by James Fallows

Proud to Be an American, Chapter 12,745

Life is about to become dramatically more pleasant, positive, and effective for Americans in their dealings with every other part of the world.


E lection Day 2006 was a very good day for American democracy, for obvious reasons: it showed that dozens of Congressional districts could in fact be “in play” despite the well-known excesses of gerrymandering, and it was long-sought proof that there is, finally, some accountability for gross failures of judgment, execution, competence, and vision. After running two gubernatorial campaigns in Texas and one presidential campaign (his first) on themes of accountability, responsibility, and facing up to mistakes, George W. Bush has imposed almost none of it on his administration. Two word proof: Donald Rumsfeld.

(Don’t remember the “accountability” theme? It was how he polished off Ann Richards in their first debate back in 1994, as described here.)

Also: to be free at last of the phrase, “the genius of Karl Rove.” Not to mention, “the Republican ground game.” Hallelujah.

Atlantic Ideas Tour

And: to know that however the Virginia recount turns out, George Allen is never going to be a presidential nominee.

Also see:

James Fallows's Web site, with regularly updated dispatches, and information about his writings and appearances.

Here is a less obvious reason that it matters: Life is about to become dramatically more pleasant, positive, and effective for Americans in their dealings with every other part of the world. Most other countries disagreed with the decision to go to war in Iraq, but March 2003, when the war began, wasn’t the low point in Americans’ ability to operate overseas. The low point came in November, 2004, when—after Abu Grahib, after Guantanamo, after Osama bin Laden’s escape, after the catastrophe of post-war Iraq, after “oops, no WMD”—a democratic electorate returned the Bush administration to office. Yes, it was narrow. Yes, the outcome was in some ways rigged. But the results were the results. The public had no real chance to vote on Iraq war plans ahead of time. It had a chance to ratify them in the 2004 elections—and in the world’s eyes, that is exactly what it did.

Since then, you haven’t often heard non-Americans say, “I disagree with the US government, but I like the American people.” The American people—or enough of them—signed up for another stint with the administration that had made these decisions. This is more than a minor burden and obstacle in operating as an American anyplace else these days.

And now that can change. Sure, it will probably all end in tears for Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic Congress. But for now, there is reason to celebrate.


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James Fallows is a national correspondent at The Atlantic.
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