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"Marie Antoinette"

Sofia Coppola's lavish reimagining of a queen getting her teenage kicks -- there's more to it than shopping! -- shines at the New York Film Festival.

"Man of the Year"

"Man of the Year"

Robin Williams plays a Jon Stewart-like comedian running for president in this not-so-lovable loser.

"Pan's Labyrinth"

"Pan's Labyrinth"

Closing this year's New York Film Festival, Guillermo del Toro's beautiful and harrowing adult fairy tale blends nighttime monsters with the everyday horror of Franco's Spain.

Beyond the Multiplex

Beyond the Multiplex

Terry Gilliam's "Tideland" marks the final, ugly implosion of a one-time maverick's career. Plus: Three ambitious, fascinating New York Film Festival premieres.

"The Departed"

"The Departed"

Leonardo DiCaprio outshines Jack Nicholson and Matt Damon in Martin Scorsese's grand, yet subtle remake of the Hong Kong smash "Infernal Affairs."



Almodóvar's latest movie, starring a dazzling Penélope Cruz and the wonderful Carmen Maura, celebrates the beauty of the place he had to escape.

Beyond the Multiplex

Beyond the Multiplex

David Lynch's obsessive, surreal "Inland Empire" is the New York Film Festival's hottest ticket. Plus: "49 Up," Tony Kushner, p.c. coffee and more.



What's shocking about John Cameron Mitchell's new film is not the real sex -- gay and straight; solo, duo and beyond -- but its Midwestern friendliness.

"The Queen"

"The Queen"

Helen Mirren rules as Queen Elizabeth coping after Princess Diana's death, kicking off the New York Film Festival in royal style.

"The Guardian"

"The Guardian"

Kevin Costner acts his age -- and Ashton Kutcher looks very pretty -- in this old-guy/young-guy mentor drama.

"Little Children"

"Little Children"

Kate Winslet's porcelain skin and perfect figure are part of the problem with this messy melodrama, debuting at the New York Film Festival.

Beyond the Multiplex

Beyond the Multiplex

"Iraq for Sale" reveals who's really winning the war in Iraq. "So Goes the Nation" revisits Ohio 2004. Plus: NYFF kicks off!

"The Last King of Scotland"

"The Last King of Scotland"

Forest Whitaker captures the delusions, paranoia and horrifying charm of murderous Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.

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