
Sex and the single septuagenarian

HIV and STDs are on the rise among senior citizens. So when it comes to safe sex, it may be time to teach America's old dogs some new tricks.

How much responsibility for mothers-to-be?

When it comes to what behaviors are safe for "pre-pregnant" and pregnant women to engage in, there's great debate.

Diet your way to a long, miserable life!

Diet your way to a long, miserable life!

"Calorie restricted" eaters have visions of eternal health dancing in their heads. But is life without pecan pie really worth living?

Drugged or drunk?

Drugged or drunk?

A young woman went out partying and ended up getting 40 years for DUI manslaughter. Was she just drunk -- or did someone slip her a mickey?

Streams of consciousness

Streams of consciousness

When my doctor sliced a hole deep inside me, a lot more changed than just my sex life.

My big fat obnoxious former self

My big fat obnoxious former self

I'm glad I don't weigh 571 pounds anymore. But I miss my big-girl righteousness and bravado.

Breast bullies

Breast bullies

An alarmist New York Times article says that feeding your baby formula may be as dangerous as smoking while pregnant. Isn't it time we cut non-nursing moms some slack?

Supermarket sleuth

Supermarket sleuth

Stalking the aisles of America's grocery stores, "What to Eat" nutritionist Marion Nestle tells you how to keep junk food from sneaking into your cart.

A dangerous shade of pale

Asian skin-whitening trend brings health risks and illegal batches of bleaching creams.

War on contraception, revisited

New York Times Magazine packs a punch with a comprehensive reminder of how the people who oppose abortion now want your birth control pills.

The art of harrassing abortion seekers

Taxpayer-funded "pregnancy crisis centers" accused of deception in thwarting abortions

Common painkillers may reduce risk of ovarian cancer

Ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen may offer more benefits than we think.

The joy of sex writing

The joy of sex writing

Two bold collections of essays about the most intimate of acts prove that good sex makes a great memory, but bad sex makes a great story.

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