
Been there, done Iraq

Recently discovered "Star Trek" scripts reveal Saddam-busting strategies.


Correcting the sin of omission, this company adds extra sex, nudity, profanity or extreme violence to our favorite screen gems.

Must-see TV

Al-Jazeera joins the fall season free-for-all with its own lineup of potential hit shows.

Barking Shaman: Our bite is worse

Come, treat yourself to a dreamy spa getaway that you will never, never, never forget. Ever.

I see London, I see France

Beauty queens abdicate amid charges of accidental nudity and wanton naughtiness.

My First Monumental Reference Book

Pestilently fecund children's publishing synergies have spawned a squirming, mewling, instinctively sucking, obliviously pooping litter of new celebrities. Awww. Aren't they sweet!

(Broken) Vows

Darcy Sowecki and Barton Winston Biggs II.


Who needs cigarettes? Let's put nicotine where the sun don't shine!

My years with Blow

It's time to set the record straight on my good friend Richard Blow, whose V-shaped torso slimmed to a slender waist around which was wrapped a simple leather belt.

Mr. Green Genes Plant Co., Spring 2002 catalog

"Breeding seed since 1997!"

Segregate to educate!

Segregate to educate!

The Bush administration is clearing the way for single-sex schools. Why stop there?

Lost speeches of W.

My fellow Americans: Today I made a J-turn in a Camaro and fired many guns! Evildoers, shudder in fear!

The whole menagerie

An Ox, a Rat, a Pig and a Tiger, all about to climb into the same boat. Will this ark float or not?

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