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Nearly 200 years ago, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and their 'Corps of Discovery' departed on an epic journey across the interior of the United States seeking a water passage to the Pacific Ocean.


Meriwether Lewis

William Clark


Inspired by "Undaunted Courage", two modern day explorers are retracing the trail of the original expedition by bicycle.

Rex Garrelts (Capt. Lew)

Mark Viets (Capt. Bill)

Rex (Captain Lew) and Mark (Captain Bill) by day an engineer and architect respectively, are the self appointed captains. Possessing none of the conveniences of the original expedition (water craft, sextant, rifles, blue beads), the captains have made do with mapping software, touring bicycles, water bottles, and raw guts.

We have decided that the only way to traverse the entire 4,000 mile Trail (short of quitting our jobs or calling in sick for a long time) is through a series of short (3-5 day) "Trips". The logistics are manageable within 300 miles of our Kansas City home base, but will become much more complex beyond that.

We hope you will enjoy traveling with us. We would like to hear from you, and if you're so inclined, join us for the ride.


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