“Michael Bloomberg, the ruthless Wall-Streeter billionaire, is a bully of the worst sort. If he is not exposed, he will grind away the very constitutional structure upon which all our Freedoms rest.


    With Nancy Pelosi taking over as Speaker of the House, and Senator Charles Schumer’s powerful influence on the U.S. Senate, combined with the fact that many leadership positions in Congress are filled with the who’s who of the gun-ban crowd, NRA members must be prepared for a long series of defensive battles in the coming two years.
    Although we keep hearing that key Democratic strategists want to stay clear of “gun control” in hopes of capturing the White House in ‘08, we must prepare for the worst. For the worst could be Democrat-turned-Republican Michael Bloomberg — New York’s billionaire mayor who is leading a clique of big city and urban state gun-ban politicians who will not allow the gun-ban issue to remain dormant for long.
    Bloomberg, the ultimate politician, switched parties as a convenience and as a newly minted Republican spent more than $150 million of his personal fortune to buy the office in two successive campaigns.
    The mayor is saying the federal gun law changes he is pushing, like reversing the federal law which bans lawsuits designed to bankrupt American gun manufacturers, is not “gun control.” According to Virginia Lam, Bloomberg’s deputy press secretary, quoted in the December 8, 2006 Brattleboro, Vermont, Guardian: “He [Bloomberg] has no quarrel with the Second Amendment.”
    Gun banners like Bloomberg who publicly embrace the Second Amendment are illusionists, really claiming allegiance to their version of the Second Amendment. They reject any notion that the Second Amendment is an individual right secured to the people.
    Lam continued, “He does not wish to restrict anyone from buying a legal, licensed handgun or rifle and has never advocated to pass additional federal laws that would be viewed as being gun control.”
    Since when are “licensed” firearms not “viewed as being gun control?”
She goes on to say that among the changes on Bloomberg’s wish list is rescinding the Congressional ban on the release of federal firearm tracing data in order to “pinpoint previous owners … .” That hard-fought, NRA-backed law stopped improper release of law enforcement information as the basis of big city lawsuits to destroy the firearm industry.
    Not “viewed as being gun control,” “tracing” and “pinpoint previous owners” are all code words for universal gun-owner registration, the very means essential for tyrants worldwide to disarm civilians.
    In addition, the paper said, “Bloomberg’s initiative is aimed largely at trying to get Washington to consider overturning federal laws enacted in the past six years … .”
    That means undoing every piece of pro-second Amendment legislation you and I worked so hard to bring into law. That means rescinding the protection for manufacturers and dealers against endless punitive lawsuits, reinstituting the Clinton gun ban, giving abusive power to federal bureaucrats and making private sales between law-abiding individuals a crime.
    In all of this, Bloomberg is using his continued lawsuits—in violation of
the federal ban—to get huge media attention, all under the big lie of “stopping the flow of illegal guns.”
    With billionaire Bloomberg, we’re not only talking about suits against large industry elements who have lawyers on call. These are legal actions to overwhelm mom and pop gun stores run by ordinary people unable to endure years of legal battles in a far-away court in New York.
    Many small dealers have already caved in and agreed to terms dictated by Brooklyn, New York U.S. District Court Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who has ordered the appointment of a “master” to supervise every aspect of these small private businesses located in other states.
    So, we have federally licensed small businesses in states like Pennsylvania or Ohio or Georgia being extorted by a so-called “progressive” federal court in Brooklyn to agree to extra-legal draconian oversight by an inquisitor personally appointed by the mayor of New York.
    That inquisitor, a New York City-paid contractor, has specific court-bestowed power to videotape every gun store customer; to rummage through all records for any reason, at any time; to request traces on every gun sold by a dealer; and to unilaterally fine “without limitation” the gun store owner for any infraction of any federal, state “or local law or regulation.”
    The “master” chosen by Bloomberg to control this big-brother oversight is the former prosecutor who headed the Enron federal task force, super lawyer Andrew Weissman, now a partner with the Chicago firm representing the Violence Policy Center (VPC).
    This is the ultimate example of the tyranny of the federal judiciary. The most anti-gun Congress imaginable would not enact a law that gave government agents the power to videotape the ordinary private business transactions and conversations of law-abiding citizens. But Jack B. Weinstein has done it with the stroke of his imperial pen.
    With an unquestioning media in tow, Bloomberg claims New York City’s supervision of businesses in other states is necessary because as federal firearms license holders, they have been “irresponsible.” Guns they once sold lawfully have turned up illegally in New York.
    It doesn’t take any crystal ball to see what is next in this scheme: urban gun-ban politicians using the federal courts to go after “irresponsible individuals.”
    If Michael Bloomberg, or any one of his group of 122-plus big city mayor-politicians, can use the federal courts to inject his personal anti-Second Amendment philosophy into the daily conduct of small business, he might try to do the same in your life. If you are a gun collector in Idaho, or Arizona or Florida or Michigan, he can claim to the likes of a Judge Weinstein that you need their big-city supervision.
    If you ever owned a gun that ended up—totally beyond your control, perhaps stolen—in criminal commerce in say, Seattle or Atlanta or Chicago, a Judge Weinstein in Brooklyn or Los Angeles might just bring the gavel down on your way of life, no matter where you live.
    Ask yourself why a super lawyer like Weissman, the Enron giant-killer, would bother monitoring a little mom and pop sporting good store in Georgia? Why is this on a par with the biggest Wall Street scandal of all time?
Bloomberg’s use of the courts to inject New York authority into Georgia or Mississippi or any other state under the color of court-created federal edict is the beginning of the death of the sovereignty of state governments—the death of federalism.
    When Bloomberg or U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer and their media enablers tell the big lie that states with “weak gun control laws” (read freedom) contribute to crime in states with “strong laws” (read tyranny), they have found a way to bring their law to your doorstep, wherever you live.
    But this isn’t just about guns. Under the concept invented by Bloomberg and Weinstein, a “master” could be appointed to enforce any court-created law no Congress would ever enact.
    Add to this something else about Bloomberg’s big move—personal ambition. In his effort to garner support for his court-ordered gun control, he is gathering huge support from the gun ban elites and media for his yet unannounced run for the presidency—an office he coyly boasted he would pay for with his own funds, like he did in New York City elections. He was quoted in New Republic as saying, “I could easily put up half a billion.” The magazine pointed out that such a figure was “over one-third higher than the Bush campaign’s spending in 2004.”
    Michael Bloomberg, the ruthless Wall-Streeter billionaire, is a bully of the worst sort. If he is not exposed, he will grind away the very constitutional structure upon which all our Freedoms rest.


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