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the nicknames of French motorways

French motorways network from 2006




on first arriving in France - driving

Motorway Aires

France is not England

Marianne - a French national symbol, with French definitive stamps

Marianne part 2: town hall statues

the calendar of the French Revolution

viaduct de Millau

the French umbrella & Aurillac

the forest as seen by francois mauriac, and today

places and playtime

roundabout art of Les Landes

50 years old: Citroën DS

the Citroën 2CV:
a French motoring icon

Grand Palais, Paris

mardi gras! carnival in Basque country

what a hair cut! m & French pop/rock

country life in France: the poultry fair

short biography of Pierre (Peter) Abelard

Grand Palais, Paris

dating old postcards

bastide towns

the greatest show on Earth - the Tour de France



As well as the standard Axyz numbering of French motorways - the A standing for auto route, French motorways often have a semi-official, or not so official, name/nickname.

Here is a list of these names that has discovered so far:

A1 Autoroute du Nord
A4 Autoroute de l’Est
A5 L’Orientale
possibly because this motorway runs on a route parallel to that of the Orient Express train.
A6 Autoroute du Soleil
A7 Autoroute du Soleil : of the Sun
A8 La Provençale
A9 La Languedocienne - La Catalane
A10 L’Aquitaine
A11 L’Océane
A13 Autoroute de Normandie
A14 “la nouvelle autoroute de l’ouest”:
the new motorway of the West
A16 L’Européenne
A20 L’Occitane
A21 Rocade Minière
A25 Autoroute des Ornières:
ornieres means ‘ruts’. The road surface is not good and the A25 has a 110 kmh maximum speed limit as a result.
A26 Autoroute des Anglais:
of the English, from the many UK cars to be seen coming from the Calais ferry port.
A30 Autoroute de la Vallée de la Fensch
A31 Lorraine-Bourgogne
This motorway also has two joke nicknames: of the Carambolages- the pile-ups, and des caravane belges - Belgian caravans. You are warned.
A35 Voie Rapide du Piémont des Vosges (VRPV):
Piémont des Vosges rapid road.
The A35 is also known as the Autoroute des Cigognes - the storks. This area is known for its many stork colonies
A36 La Comtoise:
going through the Comté-Franc region of north-east France
A39 Autoroute Verte: green motorway
A40 Autoroute Blanche / Autoroute des Titans:
White motorway; this motorway runs to the titanic, white alps
A41 L’Alpine
A43 Autoroute de la Maurienne
A51 Autoroute du Val de Durance / des Alpes
A55 Autoroute du littoral: the coast motorway
A61 Autoroute des Deux Mers:
of the two seas - the Atlantic and the Mediterranean
A62 Autoroute des Deux Mers
A63 Autoroute de la Côte Basque:
of the Basque coast
A64 La Pyrénéenne
A66 L’Ariègeoise
A68 La Tarnaise
A71 L’Arverne: the region north of the Auvergne region
A75 La Méridienne
A77 Autoroute de l'Arbre: of the tree
A79 La Cévenole
A84 Autoroute des Estuaires: of the estaries
A86 Périphérique d'Île de France:
Ile de France ring road (circling Paris)
A89 -La Transeuropéenne, Autoroute des Présidents:
Transeuropean, or the Presidents’ motorway;Also known s the empty autoroute because it passes no other major cities between Bordeaux and Clermont-Ferrand
A104 La Francilienne
A400 Autoroute du Chablais
A837 Autoroute des Oiseaux: of the birds




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