short descriptions of documents on the rise and fall of the Church of Rome - abelard welcome to outer mongolia - how to get around this ger multiple uses for this glittering entity e-mail abelard at "logic has made me hated among men" - abelard the confusions of Gödel (in four parts) - abelard children and tv violence - abelard navigation bar (eight equal segments) on 'headlines of previous news items at - september 2003 listing' page, linking
to abstracts, the rise and fall of the Church of Rome,children and tv violence,""logic has made me hated among men",the confusions of Godel (metalogicA), orientation, multiple uses for this glittering
entity, e-mail abelard short descriptions of documents on the rise and fall of the Church of Rome - abelard welcome to outer mongolia - how to get around this ger multiple uses for this glittering entity e-mail abelard at "logic has made me hated among men" - abelard the confusions of Gödel (in four parts) - abelard children and tv violence - abelard
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headlines for september 2003

behaviour early work on identifying the costs of intelligence Link to's RSS newsfeed
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2005 X XI XII
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behaviour another holocaust—the elimination of the plains indians
behaviour it’s not fair—you gave him a cucumber!
behaviour home at last—cash returns to carter
behaviour a study in bad science, bad law, and the incendiary mixture
behaviour the journal science forced into retraction on ecstasy study
science using radar to measure root mass of trees!
science ductile intermetallic compounds discovered
science wanted—long, strong string
science chemical warfare in plant life
science methane extinction 1/4 billion years ago?
science going down—7,500 centuries of recorded history in ice
science new technology nano-photovoltaic claim
science interesting to see that the us government space programme is starting to move now private enterprise is on their heels
fun the dna marked ‘exhibit a’ will go down for ten years
fun south georgia, antarctica and icebergs from satellite
fun pretty pictures from space
fun god the anti-social
ecology web of life collapse on 1% extraction of killer whales?
ecology global warming accused
ecology rapid historic temperature changes in the tropics
ecology interesting, if scrappy, item on vehicles with improved consumption
politics major international report on net censorship available
politics guarding the commons is legitimate government activity—
it also drives research
politics the beginning of the end of socialism—what really happened in vietnam
politics bush speech: transcript
health healthy gums appear to reduce premature births
health medics and death
health too much input, too little output, and getting fat on the cheap
oil Spain tries to gag EU investigating commission
oil Experiments on the Prestige
oil Some Spanish numbers
oil Surprise, surprise—the report censuring the Spanish government is rubbish...says the Spanish government
oil Suing in the USA—another mistake by the Spanish government?
oil Spanish government responsibility is recognised in Spain
oil Spanish diversion tactics
oil Spain bleeds the EU with its continuing irresponsibility over the Prestige
oil Spain’s lies start to be reported by the world’s press
energy us utilities prepare permission to build nuclear power stations
energy sugar and bug battery—just add sugar to recharge

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© abelard, 2004, 10 april

all rights reserved

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variable words
prints as variable A4 pages (on my printer and set-up)

navigation bar ( eight equal segments) on 'headlines of previous news items at - september 2003 listing' page, linking
to abstracts, the rise and fall of the Church of Rome,children and tv violence,"logic has made me hated among men",the confusions of Godel (metalogicA), orientation, multiple uses for this glittering
  entity, e-mail abelard