nthposition online magazine


...for the lateness of this month's issue (again). Life got in the way (again). There will be more later in the month...

A day in an old town

by Charles Foster

[ fiction - july 07 ]

"Life, thought the philosopher-girl, is a surprisingly poor preparation for death. Except in three clear and rare cases."

Karaoke evensong

by Xun Zhou

[ strangeness - july 07 ]

British church-goers have a form of 'ecclesiastical karaoke' in their churches, singing along to the tunes of self-defined 'digital hymnals'.

Technologies of magic

review by Tom Ruffles

[ bookreviews ]

The notion of 'magic' is a slippery one and can encourage waffle when it is not pinned down sufficiently...

The Declaration of Independence

review by Robert Philbin

[ bookreviews ]

"Every generation gets the Declaration it deserves," as the author of a global history of the document observes...

Freeze frame, Slow frame, Lost frame & Disorganized frame

by Kristine Ong Muslim

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Summer cycle # 2

by John Siddique

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Folk joke & Madder

by Claire Crowther

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Good afternoon & 2007

by Rufo Quintavalle

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Ghost test flight

by Bill Howell

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Shared accommodation

by Evie Christie

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Fence!, Phone sex & Passenger

by Kaethe Fine

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Stop-start sestina

by Kavita Joshi

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Variation on the Fourth Eclogue & Gravel

by Tony Williams

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Summoning of the pig angel, Scene in black and white & Deluge

by Michael Kavanagh

[ poetry - july 07 ]

Recommended reading

My temporary son

by Timeri N Murari

[ people - february 05 ]

An orphan's tale.

The waxwing slain

by Seamus Sweeney

[ fiction - april 04 ]

"The history of literature - the movements filled with lofty ideas, the endless manifestos and counter-manifestos, the all-too-serious sense of mission - can be considered a history of envy."

The Rough Guide to yodel

review by Ian Simmons

[ cdreviews ]

For fans of sarcastic yodelling everywhere.

Random reading

Serving several purposes & Lips

by Wendy S Walters

[ poetry - october 04 ]