nthposition online magazine


...for the lateness of this month's issue. Life got in the way.

Hitchens on God

review by Robert Philbin

[ bookreviews ]

He hasn't much new to say, but he certainly says it...

Recommended reading

My temporary son

by Timeri N Murari

[ people - february 05 ]

An orphan's tale.

The waxwing slain

by Seamus Sweeney

[ fiction - april 04 ]

"The history of literature - the movements filled with lofty ideas, the endless manifestos and counter-manifestos, the all-too-serious sense of mission - can be considered a history of envy."

The Rough Guide to yodel

review by Ian Simmons

[ cdreviews ]

For fans of sarcastic yodelling everywhere.

Random reading

War made easy

review by Robert Jensen

[ bookreviews ]

A stylish unpicking of a web of lies.