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ICC Help: LibraryBot

Currently over 60,000 games listed in the libraries in help Hist-libs, help WC-libs help 1997-libs help 1998-libs help 1999-libs help 2000-libs help 2001-libs help 2002-libs help 2003-libs help 2004-libs help 2005-libs and help Cool-libs are archived.

LibraryBot allows searches by one or two names, ECO code, year, and library name. You can use one or all of these paramaters in a search. To search by a name, or the names of two players who played each other, type, for example,

   tell LibraryBot fischer petrosian   

For the ECO, year, or library searches use arguments such as,

   eco=C5, eco=C55, lib=mysystem, year=195   

A space indicates a new argument so be sure to type each paramater with no spaces. Parameters cannot be abbreviated.

The lib argument, for example,

   tell LibraryBot lib=linares   

lists games from libraries that have linares in their name. Read further down about the libname argument that lists liblists.

tell LibraryBot shirov kramnik
tell LibraryBot eco=c5
tell LibraryBot fischer eco=c3
tell LibraryBot tal fischer year=1959
tell LibraryBot lib=mysystem eco=C02

Because names are not standardized in LibraryBots database, LibraryBot matches name fragments to names. So

   tell LibraryBot fischer   

will match "fischer,r", "fischer,r." etc.

   tell LibraryBot name=fischer   

to see all the names that match fischer in the database.

Library names vary from year to year, such as,

   tell LibraryBot lib=linares   

which brings up linares2002, linares2001, etc. Fragments are designed to work there as well and you can just type

  tell LibraryBot lib=linares   

to bring up all linares libraries.

In a two name search, if the second name starts with a "!", it will exclude games that include both fragments in the same name. For example,

   tell LibraryBot hort !short   

will find games with a name that matches the fragment hort, but excludes short.

In addition to the above parameters there are two other parameters that can modify a search. The first is result. result can be set to 0, a loss, 1, a win, 2, a draw, and 3, a win or loss but not a draw. You also can do result=w or result=b for games won by white, for the "w" setting, or games won by black, for result=b.

   tell LibraryBot shirov kramnik result=1   

will list shirov's wins against kramnik. Use result=0 for shirov's losses.

There is also a color argument that is similar to result.

   tell LibraryBot kasparov color=w   

for his games as white (win, loss, or draw). This can be used with other searches such as result. For example,

   tell librarybot kasparov color=w result=0   

lists his games as white where he lost.

tell LibraryBot kasparov karpov result=3 -- any wins, i.e not a draw.
tell LibraryBot eco=c5 result=b -- blacks wins at that eco
tell LibraryBot fischer result=0 -- fischers losses

Unfortunately most wc-libs and a few hist-libs were uploaded around 1998 with an interface that uploaded the year as year of upload (mainly 1998), not the year of play. The best way to search for these libraries is with the libname argument described below. For example,

   tell LibraryBot libname=karp f   

The third modifier paramater is sort. The other two are color and result. sort helps scroll through long search lists quickly. sort can be set equal to numbers from 1 to 9 and will start the search list display at the beginning of that ninth of the game list. This may sound tricky, but here is a simple example. In a 900 item list the argument sort=7 will start at the beginning of the seventh ninth or 600. 700 is the eighth ninth and 800 is the beginning of the ninth ninth in a 900 item list.

You can also now just search for liblists that match a fragment you give. For example,

   tell LibraryBot libname=linares   

would give you clickable liblists that contain the phrase linares. Add an "f" to see finger links as well. For example,

   tell LibraryBot libname=karp f   

To see famous chess books collected in libraries that are now searchable, use

   tell LibraryBot books   

LibraryBot updates to add games from the latest event libraries daily. Use

   tell libraryBot libstat   

to see how many games and library accounts are databased at a given moment. Use

   tell LibraryBot recent   

to see a list of the last 25 or so libraries that have been added to the database.

See also: Cool-libs, eco-list, eco, eco2, search, libraries


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