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Announcements of chess composition tourneys

Important for every competitive composer: Where and when to send own compositions? Should they contain any theme? Who is judge?

Announcement of equihopper TT C 31.3.1999
153rd TT Probleemblad announcement and a few examples. (Added 14.9.1998)
Lacny theme TT announcement C 1.11.1999
Announcement and a few examples. (Added 1.12.1998)
Csak - Majoros tourney - C 30.6.1999
Announcement and exmaples of Hungarian h#/s# tourney. (Added 29.1.1999)
Lipskie Centrum Kultury C 1.9.1999
Announcement of new formal tourney. (Added 8.2.1999)
Tivadar Kardos MT C 31.12.1999
Announcement of Hungarian formal tourney for series helpmates. (Added 16.4.1999)
3rd TT Quartz C 1.12.1999
Announcement of Romanian formal tourney for problem in Republican chess (Added 21.5.1999)
Mat-64 tourneys for year 2000
Czech chess magazine will have problem section on 4 pages. It announces informal tourneys. (Added 29.9.1999)
2nd TT Pat a Mat C 31.8.2000
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for problems showing pseudo-carousel change. (Added 6.12.1999)
Three German tourneys 2000
Udo Degener sent me these. Two informal and one formal tourneys, mostly orthodox. (Added 9.2.2000)
Problem-Echo 2000 informal tourneys
Announcement of interesting tourneys. New examples included. (Added 17.1.2000, modified 9.2.2000, 21.2.2000, 17.3.2000, 13.4.2000)
3rd TT Pat a Mat C 31.3.2001
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for helpmates with 3 solutions showing some cyclical theme. (Added 31.7.2000)
12th TT Spisska Borovicka C 8.9.2000
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, this time it is open also to e-mailing authors, but the theme isn't simple, that's why he doesn't expect high number of entries... (Added 3.8.2000)
Jozef Taraba MT C 27.1.2001
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for orthodox twomovers. (Added 9.8.2000)
International amateur composing tourney C 1.3.2001
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney for orthodox h#2. (Added 28.8.2000)
League of Macedonian problemists C 30.12.2000
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections. (Added 28.8.2000)
Ural tourneys in 2001
Annual tourneys of magazine Ural Problemist and announcements of a few formal tourneys. (Added 26.9.2000)
HOTF-tourney announcement - C 30.11.2001
Announcement of international tourney for special kind of h#2. (Added 6.12.2000)
Yehuda Gringard MT announcement - C 30.10.2001
Announcement of Israeli tourney for h#2,5. (Added 6.12.2000)
Csak - Majoros tourney - C 30.6.2001
Announcement of Hungarian h#/s# tourney. (Added 7.2.2001)
Isaak Kavnatsky 90 JT announcement - C 1.10.2001
Announcement of U.S. thematical tourney for h#n. (Added 9.5.2001)
13th TT Spisska Borovicka C 3.8.2001
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors, but the theme isn't entirely simple, let's say it is reachable within given time limit... (Added 17.6.2001)
Pocket pieces TT C 30.4.2002
Announcement of thematical tourney organized by Chess Variants Pages and co-organized by CCM. (Added 9.7.2001)
Ural tourneys in 2002
Annual tourneys of magazine Ural Problemist and announcements of a few formal tourneys. (Added 26.9.2001)
4th TT Quartz C 1.9.2002
Announcement of Romanian formal tourney for fairy helpselfmates. (Added 26.9.2001)
League of Macedonian problemist C 28.2.2002
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections. (Added 23.10.2001)
Macedonian Problemist 2001
Announcement of informal tourneys of the Macedonian magazine. (Added 3.11.2001)
Jornal de Solucionismo TT - C 31.12.2002
Announcement of tourney for #2 in Brasil. It will be judged by Efren Petite and the closing date is postponed to 31.12.2002. (Added 15.8.2001, modified 28.11.2001)
Witztum 50 JT announcement - C 2.9.2002
Announcement of thematical Israeli tourney for h#2. (Theme precised.) (Added 18.11.2001, modified 28.11.2001)
1st TT of The Ural Problemist C 1.5.2002
Announcement of thematical Russian tourney for s#2-6 with duplex. (Added 1.4.2002)
Warszawa 2002 C 27.4.2002
Announcement of Polish quick composition tourney for h#2-3 and s#3-4. (Added 14.4.2002)
14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 2.7.2002)
Two Lithuanian jubilee tourneys in C 31.12.2002
Announcement of JT Rimkus 60 and JT Gelpernas 50. (Added 28.7.2002)
Wroclaw 2003 C 31.5.2003
Announcement of Polish quick composition tourney for h#2 and s#2-3. New examples added. (Added 1.5.2003, modified 17.5.2003)
Bedrich Formánek 70 JT C 6.6.2003
Announcement Slovak jubilee tourney for (very slightly) fairy twomovers and 4 examples. New examples added. (Added 15.2.2003, modified 25.5.2003)
15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 9.6.2003)
League of Macedonian problemist C 1.9.2003
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections. (Added 12.7.2003)
Karol Mlynka 60 JT C 11.8.2004
Announcement of Slovak jubilee tourney for orthodox and fairy twomovers. Also some remarks regarding theme of fairy section included. (Added 9.8.2003)
Ivan Jarolin 50 JT C 31.3.2004
Announcement of an unusual Slovak jubilee tourney for all kinds of problems. (Added 13.9.2003)
4th TT Pat a Mat C 31.12.2004
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney. Although it may seem unbelievable, the theme of this tourney is not cyclical!!! (Added 25.10.2003)
Nikolaj Zujev 50 JT C 30.6.2004
Announcement of the Lihuanian jubilee tourney for orthodox h#4. (Added 22.11.2003)
Brian Stephenson 50 JT C 25.9.2004
Announcement of the jubilee tourney for orthodox #4 and fairy problems with chinese pieces. Examples included. (Added 30.11.2003)
Ladislav Salai 70 JT C 19.8.2004
Announcement of the jubilee tourney for #2 (fairy ones included), many good examples included. (Added 7.2.2004)
16th TT Spisska Borovicka C C 10.9.2004
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney for Cyclone problems with additional requirement of the Pelle move, it is again open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 5.6.2004)
Springaren Summer Tourney C 15.9.2004
Announcement of the summer tourney of Swedish magazine dedicated to pawn batteries, 5 thematical #3 included. (Added 3.9.2004)
23rd TT Problem-Echo C 31.12.2004 - announcement
Announcement of the German tourney for miniature moremovers, 3 examples included. (Added 11.9.2004)
Friedrich Chlubna Memorial Tourney C 15.4.2006 - announcement
Announcement of the memorial tourney of recently deceased Austrian composer. (Added 12.2.2005)
17th TT Spisska Borovicka C 9.9.2005
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, again it is open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 26.6.2005)
Dieter Müller 60 JT C 14.10.2006
Announcement of the jubilee tourney for orthodox h#2 with special twinning mechanism - moving all pieces on board at least two lines up, down, left or right. (Added 24.11.2005)
Václav Kotesovec 50 JT C 29.7.2006
Announcement of the jubilee tourney for any kind of problems with grasshoppers. (Added 16.1.2006)
18th TT Spisska Borovicka C 4.8.2006
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, again it is open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 23.4.2006)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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