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Old pages from Chess Composition Microweb

Award of 16th TT Spisska Borovicka C 10.9.2004
Award of tourney dedicated to twomove Cyclone problems with Pelle moves. (Added 25.9.2004)
My works No. 363-367
60th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 5 helpmates using the combination of Köko & Checkless chess with various fairy pieces. (Added 25.9.2004)
FIDE Album 1995-1997 - part 1
A few early impression from the new Album. (Added 11.9.2004)
23rd TT Problem-Echo C 31.12.2004 - announcement
Announcement of the German tourney for miniature moremovers, 3 examples included. (Added 11.9.2004)
Springaren Summer Tourney C 15.9.2004 - announcement
Announcement of the summer tourney of Swedish magazine dedicated to pawn batteries, 5 thematical #3 included. (Added 3.9.2004)
Helpmates with exactly 5 phases - 3
The third special example file for 15th TT CCM, with orthodox examples including 2 possibly the oldest helpmates by W. Pauly. (Added 3.9.2004)
15th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 30.9.2004
Our 15th thematical tourney is dedicated to helpmates with 5 phases. There will be 2 sections: orthodox and fairy, judged by Michal Dragoun and Juraj Lörinc. (Added 29.6.2004, modified 3.9.2004)
Award of Jozef Havran 50 JT
Complete award of a tourney for s#3. (Added 31.7.2004)
Helpmates with exactly 5 phases - 2
The second special example file for 15th TT CCM. In the fairy chess there are many possible possible approaches to given theme. (Added 24.7.2004)
Award of 14th Chess Composition Microweb TT - C 31.5.2004
40 entries were received in our TT for fairy helpmates with D-O correspondence. The award by Ion Murarasu is already published. (Added 11.7.2004)
Helpmates with exactly 5 phases - 1
The first special example file for 15th TT CCM. 6 various orthodox examples. (Added 29.6.2004)
16th TT Spisska Borovicka C C 10.9.2004
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney for Cyclone problems with additional requirement of the Pelle move, it is again open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 5.6.2004)
12th International Chess Solving Championship of Slovakia - 2004
Over-the-board solving competition as it was seen by me... (Added 5.6.2004)
Solver's impressions - 2004 - 1
Solver's impressions - 2004 - 2
Solver's impressions - 2004 - 3
Solver's impressions - 2004 - 4
Solver's impressions - 2004 - 5
Solver's impressions - 2004 - 6
Very special impressions from all rounds of over-the-board solving competition, 12th International Chess Solving Championship of Slovakia - 2004. (Added 5.6.2004)
Popular fairy problems 10
The deadline of our 9th TT CCM is near too. So here are probably the last selfmates ... Paul Raican has sent the cook. (Added 8.6.2002, modified 24.5.2004)
Award of 12th Chess Composition Microweb TT - C 31.8.2003
32 entries were received in our TT for problems with pieces changing their mobility. The award by Michel Caillaud is ready. (Added 21.5.2004)
14th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 31.5.2004
Our 14th thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy helpmates with D-O analogy. It will be judged by Ion Murarasu. New examples added. (Added 28.2.2004, modified 21.5.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 7
Fairy helpmates with D-O echo where a check by one side is answered by check by the other side. (Added 15.5.2004)
Ludovit Lacny
Perhaps the best Slovak composer - and this short characteristics says much... (Added 2.5.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 6
Fairy helpmates with D-O echo with moving the black King in the twinning. (Added 1.5.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 5
Fairy helpmates with D-O echo with only 2 black units in the diagram position. (Added 20.4.2004)
Award of 13th Chess Composition Microweb TT - C 15.2.2004
45(!) entries were received in two sections of our TT for selfmates with active play of the white king. The awards by Stephen Emmerson and Juraj Lörinc are ready. Some mistakes in the orthodox awards were corrected, especially position of 2nd HM. (Added 7.4.2004. modified 13.4.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 4
Fairy helpmates with D-O echo and showing some kind of switchback. (Added 2.4.2004)
StrateGems 24
Some originals from the American magazine, already well known for his excellent originals sections. (Added 2.4.2004)
My works No. 353-357
58th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#4, s#2 with nightriders, h#2 with nightriders and rook lions, h#2,5 with nightriders and quite fairy h#5 in Köko. (Added 4.3.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 3
Fairy helpmates with D-O having only 3 white pieces in the position. (Added 4.3.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 1
Prized fairy helpmates in MT Bertin. (Added 28.2.2004)
Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 2
Fairy helpmates with D-O analogy by authors active in the field. (Added 28.2.2004)
My works No. 348-352
57th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 problems with 3-fold echo in Köko, #2 with combined leapers, h#2,5 with grasshoppers and h#2 in Andernach chess with transmuting king. (Added 7.2.2004)
Ladislav Salai 70 JT C 19.8.2004
Announcement of the jubilee tourney for #2 (fairy ones included), many good examples included. (Added 7.2.2004)
Selfmates with active white king 9
All problems included in this file use the same finale - a quiet move by a white king. (Added 17.1.2004)
13th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 15.2.2004
Our 13th thematical tourney is dedicated to selfmates with active play of white king. It will be judged by JL & Stephen Emmerson. New examples added. (Added 27.10.2003, modified 17.1.2004)
Bedrich Formánek
Presentation of Slovak composer and organizer, Honorary President of PCCC. (Added 1.7.1999, modified 10.1.2004)
Selfmates with active white king 8
A set of economical fairy selfmates with white Rex Solus. (Added 4.1.2004)
My works No. 343-347
56th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 echo problems in Köko, s#2 in Anticirce and ser-h#4 in Patrol chess. Also there is 1 link to older problem. (Added 19.12.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 7
A set of a few fairy selfmates where white king plays 2nd moves in variations. (Added 19.12.2003)
Brian Stephenson 50 JT C 25.9.2004
Announcement of the jubilee tourney for orthodox #4 and fairy problems with chinese pieces. Examples included. (Added 30.11.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 6
A set of 7 orthodox selfmates where white king plays 2nd moves in variations. (Added 30.11.2003)
My works No. 338-342
55th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox s#3, orthodox h#2, h#2 with various fairy pieces and #2 with grasshoppers and chinese pieces. Also there is 1 link to older problem. (Added 30.11.2003)
Award of Menachem Witztum 50 JT
Complete award of a tourney for h#2, provided by jubilee and tourney director. (Added 22.11.2003)
Nikolaj Zujev 50 JT C 30.6.2004
Announcement of the Lihuanian jubilee tourney for orthodox h#4. (Added 22.11.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 5
Again orthodox selfmates where a key (or try) is made by the white king. (Added 1.11.2003)
4th TT Pat a Mat C 31.12.2004
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney. Although it may seem unbelievable, the theme of this tourney is not cyclical!!! (Added 25.10.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 4
The set of fairy selfmates with the white King making the key move. (Added 25.10.2003)
2003 and Cyclone 50-40-30-20-10-0 years ago
Look into a history connected with a book Cyclone - selection of problems not only with historic value. See also other Cyclone news 2003. (Added 25.10.2003)
Blank diagrams from Cyclone
16 out of 17 blank diagrams in the Cyclone can be filled now as these problems were already published. ...and well, 17th diagram was finally published (the last one in the file). (Added 3.11.2001, modified 25.10.2003)
Andrej Selivanov
A Russian master of selfmate recently published his new book "My Chess Problems". (Added 4.10.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 3
The set of fairy selfmates with white King playing more times during the single line of play. (Added 4.10.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 2
The selection of fairy selfmates with active play of the white king in 2nd moves of variations. (Added 28.9.2003)
My works No. 332-337
54th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 orthodox s#2, #2 in Vogtlaender chess, #3 with kangaroos and #2 in Black No Captures with many fairy units. Also there is 1 link to older problem. (Added 21.9.2003)
Selfmates with active white king 1
The first selection of selfmates of this kind, with common feature - a key made by white king. (Added 21.9.2003)
My works No. 326-331
53rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox #3, #2 in Einstein chess and #3 with bishop lions and rook lions. Also there are 3 links to older problems. (Added 14.9.2003)
Selfmates 10
Two s#2 with the white King as the only white unit on the board. (Added 14.9.2003)
Probleemblad 5/1999
Two original fairy #2 from older issue of Dutch chess composition magazine, their solutions and my comments. Ruud Beugelsdijk explains the idea of his problem. (Added 10.11.2002, modified 14.9.2003)
Ivan Jarolin 50 JT C 31.3.2004
Announcement of an unusual Slovak jubilee tourney for all kinds of problems. (Added 13.9.2003)
Springaren 91
Some originals from Swedish chess composition magazine, their solutions and my comments. (Added 13.9.2003)
Award of 15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003
Award of tourney dedicated to twomove Cyclone problems with corner-to-corner moves. (Added 9.8.2003)
Karol Mlynka 60 JT C 11.8.2004
Announcement of Slovak jubilee tourney for orthodox and fairy twomovers. Also some remarks regarding theme of fairy section included. (Added 9.8.2003)
Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002 - SAT, 2nd group
Almost complete award of the second group of jubilee tourney of chess composition club in northern Slovakia, that was dedicated to SAT problems. Judged by Ladislav Salai sr. (Added 26.7.2003)
League of Macedonian problemist C 1.9.2003
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections. (Added 12.7.2003)
Reflections about judging
As I did a lot of judging recently, I was thinking a bit about it - questions of originality, ranking various compositions... how to do it? (Added 15.6.2003)
15th TT Spisska Borovicka C 1.8.2003
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 9.6.2003)
Transformations of special pieces - 2
A new set of 8 varying, mostly richly motivated examples for our 12th TT CCM. (Added 7.6.2003)
12th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 31.8.2003
Our 12th thematical tourney is, briefly said, dedicated to units that change their mobility under guard or attack, like friend, orphan or transmuting kings. It will be judged by Michel Caillaud. New examples added. (Added 13.4.2003, modified 7.6.2003)
James Quah
A fairy chess composer specializing in the letter themes that recently visited Slovakia. (Added 6.6.2003)
Transformations of special pieces - 1
Varying transformations of pieces like orphan, transmuting king offer very wide range of possibilities - of themes, genres, styles, ... (Added 25.5.2003)
Examples for Bedrich Formánek 70 JT - 3
Fairy twomovers with very few fairy pieces. Perhaps you can find some other effects in combination with orthodox units... (Added 25.5.2003)
Bedrich Formánek 70 JT C 6.6.2003
Announcement Slovak jubilee tourney for (very slightly) fairy twomovers and 4 examples. New examples added. (Added 15.2.2003, modified 25.5.2003)
Examples for Bedrich Formánek 70 JT - 2
Fairy twomovers with very few fairy pieces, all showing the Lacny cycle. (Added 17.5.2003)
Wroclaw 2003 C 31.5.2003
Announcement of Polish quick composition tourney for h#2 and s#2-3. New examples added. (Added 1.5.2003, modified 17.5.2003)
Klub Pongracz 10 JT C 13.8.2002 - SAT, 1st group
Almost complete award of jubilee tourney of chess composition club in northern Slovakia, that was dedicated to SAT problems. Judged by Ladislav Salai sr. (Added 13.4.2003)
SAT is a fairy condition invented by Ladislav Salai sr., first he published a few problems using it and it seemed very fruitful. Let's look at some simple examples... but recent compositions in SAT show that there really is huge potential! (Added 26.7.1999, modified 13.4.2003)
Award of 14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002
Award of tourney dedicated to twomove Cyclone problems with special defences. The 3rd Prize uses immobile friends, not usual ones. (Added 13.9.2002, modified 16.9.2002, 13.4.2003)
Examples for Bedrich Formánek 70 JT - 1
7 fairy twomovers with very few fairy pieces. (Added 6.4.2003)
My works No. 320-325
52nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#4, h#2 in Circe, #2 with paralysing and Chinese units and a very fairy double-mate. Also 2 links to older problems. (Added 6.4.2003)
Award of 11th Chess Composition Microweb TT - C 28.2.2003
29 entries were received in two sections of our TT for problems with queen promotions. The awards by Chris J. Feather and Juraj Lörinc are ready. (Added 15.3.2003)
My works No. 314-319
51st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with patrol units, s#2 with Chinese pieces, 3 h#s in Köko with fairy pieces and 1 link to older problem. (Added 15.3.2003)
Leaders of permanent 12 top Cyclone voting
Excellent Cyclone problems according to opinions of the book readers. (Added 15.3.2003)
Queen promotions 7
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of fairy problems. (Added 15.2.2003)
11th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 28.2.2003
Our 11th thematical tourney is dedicated to helpmates and fairies with queen promotions. It will be judged by Chris J. Feather and Juraj Lörinc. New examples added. (Added 7.12.2002, modified 15.2.2003)
12 top Cyclone problems?
A voting concerning the problem published in a book Cyclone (Added 25.1.2003)
Cyclone: Anything new?
The minilecture given by Peter Gvozdák in Portoroz. (Added 25.1.2003)
3 new Cyclone authors
Problems by new authors, not active in this field before Cyclone publishing. (Added 25.1.2003)
Queen promotions 6
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of fairy problems. (Added 11.1.2003)
Multicapture h#3 - 1
A by-product of my recent composing effort - a selection of h#3 full of captures found during my search for predecessors and original ideas. (Added 11.1.2003)
Award of 10th Chess Composition Microweb TT - C 30.9.2002
16 entries were received in our TT for problems with twinning by exchange of statical units, the judge Manfred Rittirsch already prepared the award. The original award is in German, English translation provided by the judge included too. (Added 27.12.2002, modified 11.1.2003)
My works No. 309-313
50th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 orthodox h#3, hs#3 with Andernach chess and chameleons, h#5,5 with mao and moa, very fairy h#6. (Added 5.1.2003)
Queen promotions 5
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of orthodox helpmates. (Added 5.1.2003)
Queen promotions 4
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of fairy problems with exactly 2 queen promotions. (Added 1.1.2003)
My works No. 302-308
49th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 s#2 with chinese pieces and links to 4 h#2 with grasshoppers and nightriders. (Added 28.12.2002)
Queen promotions 3
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of orthodox helpmates with exactly 2 queen promotions. (Added 14.12.2002)
Thema Danicum 106
Some originals from Danish chess composition magazine, their solutions and my comments. (Added 14.12.2002)
My works No. 295-301
48th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#2 and h#4, #2 with paralysing units, h#2 with siamese units, h#2 in Republican chess, h#5 with imitator and grasshopper and #10 in Köko with nonstop equihopper. (Added 7.12.2002)
Queen promotions 2
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of fairies with at least 3 queen promotions. (Added 7.12.2002)
Queen promotions 1
Some examples for 11th TT CCM, a selection of orthodox helpmates with at least 3 queen promotions. (Added 7.12.2002)
My works No. 290-294
47th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#2 in Madrasi, h#2 with various lions, seriesmover in Ghost chess, h#3 with imitator and very fairy #2. (Added 10.11.2002)
My works No. 170-174
28th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 in Patrol chess with grasshoppers, #4 with imitator, h#2 with neutral pieces, h#3,5 in Köko with moose and hard fairy doublemate. One distiction added. (Added 6.10.1999, modified 10.11.2002)
My works No. 210-216
35th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 seriesmovers with fairy pieces, h#3 with rookhoppers, h#7,5 with fairy pieces, very fairy h#4 and #2 in Patrol chess with fairy pieces. The first problem corrected. (Added 18.11.2001, modified 28.11.2001, 10.11.2002)
My works No. 284-289
46th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox r#2, #2 with paralysing units, two #2 in Vogtlaender chess and Sentinelles, s#2 in Madrasi RI and h#2 in Symmetry Circe with locusts. One distinction added. (Added 11.8.2002, modified 16.9.2002, 10.11.2002)
Some longer h#s from the WCCI
The second part of Chris Feather's selection of entertaining helpmates from the WCCI. (Added 13.9.2002)
My works No. 88-92
14th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains r#2 in Republican chess, 2 h#2 in Andernach chess, s#3 with locusts and h# with köko and Haaner chess. Two Sachova Skladba distinctions inserted. (Added 14.10.1998, modified 13.9.2002)
Some h#2s from the WCCI
Chris Feather judged helpmate section of the WCCI and he was glad to select a few less known entertaining helpmates (that won't appear in final publication) for CCM. Enjoy! (Added 11.8.2002)
Twinning by exchange of statical units 6
Some examples for 10th TT CCM, h#3 with exchanges including the black king. (Added 11.8.2002)
10th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 30.9.2002
Our 10th thematical tourney is dedicated to any problems with special twinning: exchange of units that don't move during solutions of twins. It will be judged by Manfred Rittirsch. New examples added. (Added 25.6.2002, modified 11.8.2002)
Twinning by exchange of statical units 5
New problems from the book Cyclone that may serve as examples for 10th TT CCM. (Added 1.8.2002)
Reflections on section G of WCCI 1998-2000
Some personal thoughts and presentation of problems by authors placed on the first 10 places. (Added 28.7.2002)
Twinning by exchange of statical units 4
8 orthodox h#2 - examples for our 10th TT CCM, commented with emphasis given on use of exchanged units. (Added 28.7.2002)
Two Lithuanian jubilee tourneys in C 31.12.2002
Announcement of JT Rimkus 60 and JT Gelpernas 50. (Added 28.7.2002)
My works No. 276-283
45th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 in Patrol chess, #2 with Circe and lions, #2 with many fairy elements, h#3 with grasshoppers and 4 links to problems already published at CCM. (Added 20.7.2002)
Twinning by exchange of statical units 3
1 fairy and 3 orthodox selfmates - examples for our 10th TT CCM, commented with emphasis given on use of exchanged units, especially fairy s#3 shows two strange cases of thematically twinned unit. (Added 20.7.2002)
Award of 9th Chess Composition Microweb TT - C 17.6.2002
40 entries were received in our TT for popular fairy problems, judge Václav Kotesovec prepared the award very quickly and the result is good. (Some errors corrected.) (Added 14.7.2002, modified 16.7.2002)
Award of Pocket pieces TT - C 30.4.2002
The judgement of tourney jointly organized by Chess variants pages and CCM is published. (Added 14.7.2002)
14th TT Spisska Borovicka C 6.9.2002
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors. (Added 2.7.2002)
My works No. 270-275
44th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 fairy #2 with at most 10 pieces, #3 with Imitator and 1 link to problem already published at CCM. (Added 25.6.2002)
Twinning by exchange of statical units 2
4 helpmates in two with fairy pieces - examples for our 10th TT CCM, commented with emphasis given on use of exchanged units. (Added 25.6.2002)
Twinning by exchange of statical units 1
8 orthodox twomovers - examples for our 10th TT CCM, commented with emphasis given on use of exchanged units. (Added 25.6.2002)
Award of 8th Chess Composition Microweb TT
9 entries were received in our Grimshaw TT, judge Georgij Jesejev wasn't too excited, but at least some good new ideas appeared. (Added 15.6.2002)
My works No. 261-269
43rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains r#2 with grasshoppers, r#2 in Anticirce, seriesmover Circe Madrasi with wazirs and 6 links to problems already published at various places of CCM. (Added 15.6.2002)
Popular fairy problems 9
... and directmate examples. (Added 8.6.2002)
9th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 17.6.2002
Our 9th thematical tourney is dedicated to "popular" fairy problems (relatively simple, but eye-catching works). It will be judged by Václav Kotesovec. New examples added. (Added 16.2.2002, modified 8.6.2002)
M. Gordian 100 MT
Extracts from award of the Russian tourney for fairy selfmates and reflex mates. (Added 8.5.2002)
My works No. 256-260
42nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with Kamikaze chess and fairy pieces, s#2 with Andernach chess, s#32 with forced squares, h#2 with orphans and very fairy h#4. (Added 8.5.2002)
Popular fairy problems 8
Less usual stipulations are allowed in 9th TT CCM too. Stalemates, retro problems... Look at some good examples. (Added 8.5.2002)
Popular fairy problems 7
Some fairy helpmates. Among them 3 promotions problems, other 3 problems concentrate on geometry of moves. (Added 4.5.2002)
Thema Danicum 105
Some originals from Danish chess composition magazine, their solutions and my comments. (Added 16.4.2002)
Popular fairy problems 6
Some fairy helpmates showing various promotions. Twins in Heinonen's and Caillaud's problems repaired. (Added 14.4.2002, modified 16.4.2002)
Warszawa 2002 C 27.4.2002
Announcement of Polish quick composition tourney for h#2-3 and s#3-4. (Added 14.4.2002)
Popular fairy problems 5
Some fairy direct mates with "popular" themes. (Added 6.4.2002)
Popular fairy problems 4
Some fairy seriesmovers with "popular" themes, new examples for our 9th TT. (Added 1.4.2002)
Daniel Novomesky 50
Oh, yes, Daniel is already 50! And he composes better and better... (Added 1.4.2002)
My works No. 251-255
41st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 #2 with grasshopper and transmuting king, #2 with pao and paralysing units, h#2 with orphan and h# with grasshopper and transmuting king. (Added 1.4.2002)
Popular fairy problems 3
Some fairy selfmates with "popular" themes, new examples for our 9th TT. (Added 1.4.2002)
Popular fairy problems 2
Some fairy helpmates with "popular" themes, new examples for our 9th TT. (Added 1.4.2002)
1st TT of The Ural Problemist C 1.5.2002
Announcement of thematical Russian tourney for s#2-6 with duplex. (Added 1.4.2002)
Award of Isaak Kavnatsky 90 JT
Complete award of tourney for longer h#, published by StrateGems, provided by Dan Meinking. One helpmate is anticipated. (Added 23.2.2002, modified 1.4.2002)
Popular fairy problems 1
Some direct fairy problems with strong themes, in fact new examples for our 9th TT. (Added 23.2.2002)
My works No. 242-250
40th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 new problems and also link to 5 my problems already published on CCM. There are 3 orthodox h#2, 2 orthodox h#3, 2 h# with orphan, h#3 with imitator and #3 with various fairy pieces. (Added 23.2.2002)
My works No. 54-61
9th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#2, #3 circe, fairy semir#4, #341 Madrasi, very fairy series direct mate and 3 fairy #2. (Added 7.9.1998, modified 23.2.2002)
Slovensky vyber 1993-1998
New book, prepared by team of authors lead by Juraj Brabec, is out. It contains 393 selected problems by Slovak composers from years 1993-1998. (Added 16.2.2002)
My works No. 237-241
39th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 new problems and also link to 1 my problem already published on CCM. There are 2 h#2 in Patrol chess with grasshoppers, 2 #2 with equihoppers and #2 Isardam B. (Added 16.2.2002)
Broodings 3
New series by Chris Feather contains some very original ideas. (Added 14.2.2002)
Surprising discovery in known Loyd's #3
Daniel Novomesky changes three times model mate using very well known position... Michael Lipton provides more information on the subject. (Added 19.1.2002, modified 14.2.2002)
My works No. 230-236
38th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains only 3 new problems and also links to 4 my problems already published on CCM. There are 3 #2 with transmuting king and other fairy pieces, #2 with nonstop equihoppers, orthodox h#3, h#3 with grasshoppers and ser-dr#11 non-stop. (Added 19.1.2002)
Grimshaw in fairy problem 4
The 4th file containing problems with the theme of our 8th TT. (Added 19.1.2002)
My works No. 138-144
23rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 longer fairy h#, h#2 with Spiralspringers, 2 fairy h##, h#3 Maximummer and s#8 Maximummer. (Added 26.7.1999, modified 19.1.2002)
My works No. 93-98
15th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 various fairy h#2, ser-h# köko, h# köko. (Added 14.10.1998, modified 19.1.2002)
My works No. 222-229
37th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox s#28, ser-h#7, ser-dr#23 non-stop, two #2 with fairy pieces, s#2 in Madrasi, h#2 with lions and #11 in Köko with lion and wazir. (Added 3.1.2002)
Grimshaw in fairy problem 3
The 3rd file with examples for our 8th TT. Here you can find some relatively old problems with fairy pieces. (Added 3.1.2002)
The Problemist November 2001
Some originals from British chess composition magazine, their solutions and my comments. (Added 3.1.2002)
3 missing problems from Cyclone
A proof that not all problems deserving it entered the Peter Gvozdják's book - but it was expected that some problems would slip from Peter's view. The first problem corrected. (Added 3.11.2001, modified 3.1.2002)
My works No. 217-221
36th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 Circe with rookhoppers, h#3 Köko with neutral lions, long h# with Imitator, #3 with locusts and transmuting king and h#11 with various fairy pieces. (Added 28.11.2001)
Witztum 50 JT announcement - C 2.9.2002
Announcement of thematical Israeli tourney for h#2. (Theme precised.) (Added 18.11.2001, modified 28.11.2001)
Jornal de Solucionismo TT - C 31.12.2002
Announcement of tourney for #2 in Brasil. It will be judged by Efren Petite and the closing date is postponed to 31.12.2002. (Added 15.8.2001, modified 28.11.2001)
Originals from Problemas 28, h#n, n>2, s#, fairies
Old originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. (Added 30.8.2000, modified 28.11.2001)
Grimshaw in fairy problem 2
The second file with examples for our 8th TT. So far no fairy pieces... (Added 18.11.2001)
8th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 15.1.2002
Our 8th thematical tourney is dedicated to Grimshaw idea, it should be shown in fairy problem. It will be judged by Georgij Jevsejev. (Added 26.9.2001, modified 18.11.2001)
Grimshaw in fairy problem 1
The first file with very old examples for our 8th TT. (Added 3.11.2001)
Macedonian Problemist 2001
Announcement of informal tourneys of the Macedonian magazine. (Added 3.11.2001)
Award of 7th Chess Composition Microweb TT
21 entries were received in our immobilisation TT, judges Juraj Brabec and Juraj Lörinc placed 15 of them in awards of two sections. Especially helpmates showed unexpectedly new ideas. (Added 23.10.2001)
League of Macedonian problemist C 28.2.2002
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections. (Added 23.10.2001)
8th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 15.1.2002
Our 8th thematical tourney is dedicated to Grimshaw idea, it should be shown in fairy problem. It will be judged by Georgij Jevsejev. (Added 26.9.2001)
My works No. 205-209
34th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#2, #2 with vao and pao, #2 with paralysing units and two hr#3,5 in Köko with fairy pieces. (Added 26.9.2001)
4th TT Quartz C 1.9.2002
Announcement of Romanian formal tourney for fairy helpselfmates. (Added 26.9.2001)
Ural tourneys in 2002
Annual tourneys of magazine Ural Problemist and announcements of a few formal tourneys. (Added 26.9.2001)
Longer fairy helpmates 9
Our 2nd TT is over, but longer fairy helpmates still interest us... Hauke Reddmann reveals secret of his helpmate. (Added 26.7.1999, modified 5.9.2001)
My works No. 199-204
33rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#2, two h#2 Circe, h#4 in Köko, #2 with paralysing units and hs#3 with chameleons in Andernach chess. (Added 30.8.2001)
Mat-64 2000 - s#
Complete award of year tourney for selfmates published in composition column of Czech chess magazine Mat-64, judged by Zdenek Libis. (Added 30.8.2001)
The Problemist 1992 - reflexmates
Selection from award of year tourney for reflexmates published in one of leading world magazines, judged by Garen Yacoubian. (Added 30.8.2001)
Award of 13th TT Spisska Borovicka C 3.8.2001
Award of tourney dedicated to twomove Cyclone problems with promotions. Some wrong honours corrected. (Added 15.8.2001, modified 22.8.2001)
Immobilization of hurdle 4
The last examples for 7th TT CCM. (Added 15.8.2001)
Die Schwalbe June 2000
Some originals from German chess composition magazine, their solutions and comments. (Added 15.8.2001)
7th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 31.8.2001
Our seventh thematical tourney is dedicated to mates by hopping pieces over immobilized enemy units. It will be judged by Jurajs duo, Juraj Brabec and Juraj Lörinc. - Some examples added. (Added 9.5.2001, modified 17.7.2001, 15.8.2001)
Immobilization of hurdle 3
Various problems showing the theme of 7th TT CCM, includes two great fairy moremovers by HPR! Two wrong positions repaired. (Added 2.8.2001, modified 8.8.2001)
Mat-64 2000 - #n
Complete award of year tourney for moremovers published in composition column of Czech chess magazine Mat-64, judged by Vladimir Kos. (Added 2.8.2001)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 4/2001
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 5/2001
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 2.8.2001)
Springaren 84 - March 2001
Some originals from Swedish chess composition magazine, their solutions and comments. (Added 17.7.2001)
Immobilization of hurdle 2
Some direct problems showing the theme of 7th TT CCM. (Added 17.7.2001)
Mat-64 2000 - #2
Complete award of year tourney for #2 published in composition column of Czech chess magazine Mat-64, judged by Juraj Brabec. (Added 17.7.2001)
Pocket pieces TT C 30.4.2002
Announcement of thematical tourney organized by Chess Variants Pages and co-organized by CCM. (Added 9.7.2001)
Orthodox reflex mates 5
Some great examples of reflexmate possibilities, all by one author, Miodrag Mladenovic. (Added 9.7.2001)
Mixed Babson task
Already 7 selfmates, most of them Maximummers, showing the variations on well known task, last was added on modification date. (Added 14.6.2000, modified 2.7.2001)
Martin - Zilina 1998-1999 - selfmates
Extracts from award of twoyear tourney for selfmatess published on various places (mostly in Umenie 64) in Martin and Zilina, two towns in the north of Slovakia. (Added 24.6.2001)
Award of 6th Chess Composition Microweb TT
18 entries were received in our antibattery tourney, judge Thomas Maeder placed 9 of them in awards of two sections. Some problems showed really ambitious ideas! (Added 19.6.2001)
13th TT Spisska Borovicka C 3.8.2001
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, it is again open also to e-mailing authors, but the theme isn't entirely simple, let's say it is reachable within given time limit... (Added 17.6.2001)
Immobilization of hurdle 1
Helpmates in 3 with grasshoppers showing theme of 7th TT CCM. (Added 17.6.2001)
Norman Macleod Award 1998-1999
Award of special competition for all originals from The Problemist in the given 2-year period. (Added 17.6.2001)
Originals from Pat a Mat 30 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 30 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 30 - part 3
Complete originals section from our magazine, some errors corrected (see also below), it is dated September 2000. Already with solutions. (Added 26.9.2000, modified 3.10.2000, 9.6.2001)
Originals from Pat a Mat 29 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 29 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 29 - part 3
Originals from Pat a Mat 29 - part 4
Complete originals section from our magazine, it is dated June 2000. Mistakes in originals 767, 768 and 779 corrected. Already with solutions. (Added 3.8.2000, modified 9.8.2000, 1.6.2001)
Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1997 - h#n
Orthodox helpmate moremovers of good quality from Finland. Added some contributions from Henry Tanner. (Added 16.3.1999, modified 19.5.2001)
Orthodox reflex mates 4
Thematically more convincing examples of reflexmate genre. Bohemian problems, strategical themes, move-function changes, these all fields may be explored in reflex mates with special motivation... (Added 9.5.2001)
Isaak Kavnatsky 90 JT announcement - C 1.10.2001
Announcement of U.S. thematical tourney for h#n. (Added 9.5.2001)
Daniel Novomesky
Small presentation of Slovak composer just coming back to the scene. (Added 9.5.2001)
My works No. 194-198
32nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 5 problems mostly experimenting with combinations of many fairy elements, but 2 of them are simpler, one showing echo mates with lions and other exploring Knight Spirits possibilities. (Added 9.5.2001)
Csak - Majoros tourney 2000 - s#
Extracts from award of Hungarian formal tourney for s# in 5 to 10 moves. One anticipation reported by Johannes Quack. (Added 7.2.2001, modified 7.5.2001)
Martin - Zilina 1998-1999 - moremovers
Extracts from award of twoyear tourney for moremovers published on various places (mostly in Umenie 64, of course) in Martin and Zilina, two towns in the north of Slovakia. (Added 24.4.2001)
Fairy reflex mates 1
First look at fairy reflex mates, very rich and little exploited genre. (Added 24.4.2001)
Orthodox reflex mates 3
As is usual in every genre, also in r# there are some works of medium or lower quality, everything cannot be excellent. But anyone can learn something from these too. (Added 24.4.2001)
The Problemist November 2000
Some originals from British chess composition magazine, their solutions and comments. (Added 28.3.2001)
Praca 1999 - #3
Extracts from the award of well known Slovak tourney. (Added 28.3.2001)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 2/2001
#2 and #3 originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 28.3.2001)
Award of Problem-Echo 2000/2-1
Award of Problem-Echo 2000/2-3
Not only awards, but two complete sets of 2x12 h#2 with grasshoppers and nightriders. (Added 15.3.2001)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 1/2001
5 helpmates for solving, 3 of them originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 15.3.2001)
Probleemblad 6/2000
Again some originals from Dutch chess composition magazine, their solutions and comments. At least one helpmate moremover and one fairy moremover of top qualities. (Added 15.3.2001)
Funny incident
Peter Gvozdják joking on my account... :-) (Added 28.2.2001)
Originals from Pat a Mat 31 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 31 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 31 - part 3
Complete originals section from our magazine, it is dated December 2000. (Added 28.2.2001)
Praca 1999 - #2
Extracts from the award of well known Slovak tourney. (Added 28.2.2001)
Probleemblad 4/2000
Some originals from Dutch chess composition magazine, their solutions and comments. (Added 7.2.2001)
Csak - Majoros tourney - C 30.6.2001
Announcement of Hungarian h#/s# tourney. (Added 7.2.2001)
Csak - Majoros tourney 2000 - h#3
Extracts from award of Hungarian formal tourney for h#3. (Added 7.2.2001)
Examples for 3rd TT Pat a Mat C 31.3.2001
Cyclic theme in h# with 3 solutions, that's the theme of this tourney! (Added 25.1.2001)
Change of defence motives with cyclic effects 5
Our 5th TT Chess Composition Microweb is already closed and judgement is published, but there is no reason for hiding these twomovers from sight of readers. They may inspire someone to perform further research in this field. (Added 25.1.2001)
Supertransmuting king
An invention of Karol Mlynka, direct consequence of using transmuting king as the obligatory fairy element in WCCT. (Added 25.1.2001)
Award of 5th Chess Composition Microweb TT
Despite low number of entries (only 6) the judge of tourney (that was dedicated to change of defence motives) Karol Mlynka was more than excited about their quality. All prizes taken by... - try to guess! Judge accepted author's claim about Special prize. (Added 14.12.2000, modified 11.1.2001)
Moment links
Special page for accessing chess problem columns from Slovak magazine Moment (former Nedelna Pravda) sent by Ivan Jarolin and Vaclav Kotesovec. Links for 2001 added. Blind links will work as the year will progress. (Added 17.3.2000, modified 20.3.2000, 11.1.2001)
Kopajev case
More similar twomovers by Vyacheslav Kopajev won 1st Prizes recently... (Added 3.1.2001)
Award of Problem-Echo 2000/2-2
Not only award, but complete set of 12 h#2 with grasshoppers and nightriders. (Added 3.1.2001)
Antibattery mates 1
Petko Petkov shows how can be the same base scheme with antibattery transformed into very varying palette of problems. (Added 3.1.2001)
Mates to squares blocked by white units
4 twomovers with common property - white mates on squares that are initially occupied by white units. (Added 3.1.2001)
6th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 1.4.2001
Our sixth thematical tourney is dedicated to antibattery mates. It will be judged by Thomas Maeder. (Added 21.12.2000, modified 3.1.2001)
3 recent fairy twomovers from The Ural Problemist
Title says almost everything. I just add that they are interesting. (Added 21.12.2000)
Solver's impressions 11
Another bunch of helpmates by Chris Feather from Scrapings 5, they were solved by me during summer. (Added 14.12.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 10/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 14.12.2000)
Award of 12th TT Spisska Borovicka C 8.9.2000
Award of tourney dedicated to twomove Cyclone problems with castling. (Added 6.12.2000)
Yehuda Gringard MT announcement - C 30.10.2001
Announcement of Israeli tourney for h#2,5. (Added 6.12.2000)
HOTF-tourney announcement - C 30.11.2001
Announcement of international tourney for special kind of h#2. (Added 6.12.2000)
Originals from Problemas 29, h#n, n>2, s#, fairies
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. The last problem has right diagram now. (Added 20.11.2000, modified 23.11.2000)
Originals from Problemas 29, #2, #3
Originals from Problemas 29, #n, h#2
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. (Added 20.11.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 9/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 20.11.2000)
Selected pages from Cyclone
A list of PDF files showing 42 real Cyclone pages. (Added 17.10.2000)
Solver's impressions 10
It took some time to write down all my solutions and comments of Scrapings 4 problems. It doesn't mean they were boring, they weren't! (Added 17.10.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 8/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 17.10.2000)
Peter Gvozdják introduces his book. (Added 29.10.1999, modified 3.8.2000, 17.10.2000)
Originals from Pat a Mat 28 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 28 - part 3
Complete originals section from Pat a Mat 28, it is dated March 2000. Already with solutions. Two new cooks found by Olivier Ronat added. (Added 17.3.2000, modified 10.10.2000, 17.10.2000)
Selfmates 9
Selfmates in 2 with black correction play - another file with examples for League of Macedonian Problemists 2000. (Added 10.10.2000)
Two length records attempts
Vladimir Janal works in the field of long problems with cooperative play. Recently he published two interesting positions in Czech magazine Sachova Skladba. (Added 10.10.2000)
Originals from Pat a Mat 28 - part 1
Complete originals section from Pat a Mat 28, it is dated March 2000. Already with solutions. (Added 17.3.2000, modified 10.10.2000)
Ural tourneys in 2001
Annual tourneys of magazine Ural Problemist and announcements of a few formal tourneys. (Added 26.9.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 7/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 26.9.2000)
Martin - Zilina 1998-1999 - fairies
Extracts from award of twoyear tourney for fairies published on various places (mostly in Umenie 64, of course) in Martin and Zilina, two towns in the north of Slovakia. (Added 11.9.2000)
Selfmates 8
Selfmates in 2 with black correction play - examples for League of Macedonian Problemists 2000. (Added 11.9.2000)
Orthodox reflex mates 2
This time we can follow logic of longer reflex mates than only in 2 moves. (Added 11.9.2000)
Originals from Problemas 28, #2
Originals from Problemas 28, #3, #n
Originals from Problemas 28, h#2
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. (Added 30.8.2000)
Madrasi only "en passant"
Summary and 7 problems from interesting article by Ivan Skoba that appeared in Pat a Mat 29. (Added 28.8.2000)
Change of defence motives with cyclic effects 4
Possibly the last file with examples for our 5th TT Chess Composition Microweb, for quick inspiration, the deadline is near... (Added 28.8.2000)
Orthodox reflex mates 1
There are some people liking reflex mates very much - I am among them. First file from series showing some possibilities of this sophisiticated genre. (Added 28.8.2000)
League of Macedonian problemists C 30.12.2000
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney in 4 sections. (Added 28.8.2000)
International amateur composing tourney C 1.3.2001
Announcement of Macedonian formal tourney for orthodox h#2. (Added 28.8.2000)
Jozef Taraba MT C 27.1.2001
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for orthodox twomovers. (Added 9.8.2000)
4 pictures of the Cyclone
How does look the book with so much invested effort of many people? (Added 9.8.2000)
Woozles, BiWoozles
Other 2 new fairy conditions introduced at Andernach 1999 meeting. (Added 7.8.2000)
Solver's impressions 9
3rd issue of Probleemblad 2000 has excellent set of fairy originals, especially one by Gockel is delicious, but almost all are very good. (Added 7.8.2000)
12th TT Spisska Borovicka C 8.9.2000
Peter Gvozdják announces his traditional congress tourney, this time it is open also to e-mailing authors, but the theme isn't simple, that's why he doesn't expect high number of entries... (Added 3.8.2000)
Complete text of Cyclone in English
Text only, no figures, no tables, no diagrams, but undoubtedly interesting anyway. (Added 3.8.2000)
�pln� text knihy Cyclone v slovencine
Len text, bez obr�zkov, tabuliek a diagramov, ale nepochybne aj tak zauj�mav�. (Added 3.8.2000)
3rd TT Pat a Mat C 31.3.2001
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for helpmates with 3 solutions showing some cyclical theme. (Added 31.7.2000)
Heffalumps, BiHeffalumps
4 new fairy conditions were introduced at Andernach 1999 meeting, two of them are shown here. (Added 31.7.2000)
Change of defence motives with cyclic effects 3
Again 6 examples for our 5th TT Chess Composition Microweb showing total Mlynka theme, Brabec theme and OM-32-32. (Added 28.7.2000)
Solver's impressions 8
Helpmates from feenschach 132 were mostly interesting - at least those solved by me... (Added 28.7.2000)
Originals from Pat a Mat 27 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 27 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 27 - part 3
Complete originals section from our magazine, it is dated December 1999. Already with solutions. (Added 17.1.2000, modified 28.7.2000)
5th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 31.8.2000
Our fifth thematical tourney is dedicated to main part of Slovak school, cyclic changes of defence motives. The tourney will be judged by its founder and expert in this field Karol Mlynka. New examples added. (Added 1.4.2000, modified 25.4.2000, 28.7.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 6/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. Source of Loshinsky's #3 added. (Added 11.7.2000, modified 13.7.2000)
Change of defence motives with cyclic effects 2
6 examples for our 5th TT Chess Composition Microweb showing normal and 4-fold Mlynka theme. (Added 11.7.2000)
Solver's impressions 7
In the issue No. 132 of German fairy magazine feenschach there are 126 originals for solving! I solved about 1/6 of them and here are some fairies... (Added 11.7.2000)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 14
After longer time we have here little return to theme of 1st TT CCM. (Added 14.6.2000)
Solver's impressions 6
Scrapings is a series of sheets published by Chris J. Feather. It is full of his originals. In April I solved some of them that appeared in No. 3. (Added 14.6.2000)
My works No. 175-180
29th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains two #3 with Chinese pieces, #3 with Imitator, s#10 in Patrol chess, long seriesmover with erlkings and retro problem in Patrol chess. Unfortunately s#10 in Patrol chess is cooked as reported by Torsten Linß. (Added 22.10.1999, modified 14.6.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 10
Again we have rather little number of nightriders - but not zero and the problems are worth looking at even without them. (Added 30.5.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 5/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 30.5.2000)
Originals from Pat a Mat 26 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 26 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 26 - part 3
Originals from Pat a Mat 26 - part 4
Complete originals section from Pat a Mat 26, it is dated September 1999. Already with solutions. (Added 16.11.1999, modified 28.5.2000)
Chris J. Feather
Master of contemporary helpmate presents selection of 7 his compositions. (Added 23.5.2000)
Open Czech solving championship 2000
Over-the-board solving competition as it was seen by weak solver. (Added 23.5.2000)
Solver's impressions - special - 1
Solver's impressions - special - 2
Solver's impressions - special - 3
Solver's impressions - special - 4
Solver's impressions - special - 5
Solver's impressions - special - 6
Very special impressions from all rounds of over-the-board solving competition. (Added 23.5.2000)
Originals from Problemas 27, #2
Originals from Problemas 27, #3
Originals from Problemas 27, #n
Originals from Problemas 27, h#
Originals from Problemas 27, s#, fairies
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. (Added 23.5.2000)
Responses to claim of Lutz Neweklowsky
It seems that longest moremover was for the first time published on the Web, but not on CCM! Read more about matter. (Added 9.5.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 4/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 9.5.2000)
Branislav Djurasevic
Young Yugoslavian composer known for his pioneer examples of cyclic change of key, threat and variation mate after constant defence and for winning one WCCT section. (Added 9.5.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 9
Again short fairy helpmates. They can't serve as examples for Problem-Echo 2000 as there is no one nightrider in them! (Added 9.5.2000)
Ludovit Lehen
8 problems by very successful Slovak chess composer, especially his twomovers are well known, with difficult thematical complexes. (Added 25.4.2000)
Lipskie Centrum Kultury 1999 - fairy #2
Extracts from award of formal tourney for fairy #2. (Added 25.4.2000)
Change of defence motives with cyclic effects 1
4 examples for our 5th TT Chess Composition Microweb. (Added 25.4.2000)
Grasshoppers and fairy conditions 1
The most usual fairy piece (grasshopper) is often used under various fairy conditions. The new series introducing various combinations of this kind just starts. (Added 25.4.2000)
New record for longest moremover without promoted pieces?
Mr. Lutz Neweklowsky from Germany claims achieving of new record. It's a cookers' turn - can you find shorter mating combination? (Added 13.4.2000)
Selfmates 7
Selfmates in 3 with tries - finally the promised examples for Problem-Echo 2000! (Added 13.4.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 8
After month we are back with new selection of short fairy helpmates. Some of them may serve as examples for Problem-Echo 2000 too. (Added 13.4.2000)
Problem-Echo 2000 informal tourneys
Announcement of interesting tourneys. New examples included. (Added 17.1.2000, modified 9.2.2000, 21.2.2000, 17.3.2000, 13.4.2000)
10 years of Slovak theme
Award of Slovak tourney from seventies, closely related to our 5th TT Chess Composition Microweb. Mistake in last diagram corrected. (Added 31.3.2000, modified 11.4.2000)
An award of 4th Chess Composition Microweb TT
Patrol chess is good fairy condition and our 11 entries proved that. (Added 31.3.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 3/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 31.3.2000)
Solver's impressions 5
Latest Springaren originals solved by me during December. I am especially happy to have one Smotrov problem solved in less than 2 hours! Proof game is cooked, reported by its author. (Added 7.3.2000, modified 20.3.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 7
Already seventh file showing various possibilities in this specific genre. Do you think everything is prepared for 5th TT CCM? Examples, etc.? No. I don't want to have demand conflict with Problem-Echo 2000... Our 5th TT will have different theme. :-) (Added 17.3.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 6
Recent German tourney was dedicated to h#2 with N and G. And some very unusual positions appeared in it. (Added 7.3.2000)
Selfmates 6
7 selfmates from one older issue of Die Schwalbe. Shorter, longer, formal, strategical - all kinds. (Added 7.3.2000)
Originals from Pat a Mat 25 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 25 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 25 - part 3
Complete originals section from Pat a Mat 25, it is dated July 1999. Some errors occured, reported by Olivier Ronat and Janez Nastran. Already with solutions. (Added 18.8.1999, modified 6.10.1999, 7.3.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 5
And fifth! (Added 21.2.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 2/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 21.2.2000)
Solver's impressions 4
Recent originals from Die Schwalbe 1999 proved to be very interesting. Particularly twomover by Daniel Papack walks into history... (Added 21.2.2000)
Ratings for solvers 1.1.2000
New Marek Kolcák's rating! (Added 21.2.2000)
Selfmates 5
6 selfmates from various recent issues of magazines. (Added 21.2.2000)
Originals from Problemas 26, h#, s#, fairies
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. One minor error under diagram corrected. (Added 9.2.2000, modified 18.2.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 4
Fourth bunch of interesting short helpmates with fairy pieces. (Added 9.2.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 1/2000
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 9.2.2000)
Originals from Problemas 26, #2
Originals from Problemas 26, #3, #4
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. See also the the third part. (Added 9.2.2000)
Three German tourneys 2000
Udo Degener sent me these. Two informal and one formal tourneys, mostly orthodox. (Added 9.2.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 3
Third handful of short fairy helpmates from various sources and of various quality. (Added 17.1.2000)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 9/1999
Originals from Italian magazine, already with solutions, submitted by Olivier Ronat. (Added 30.9.1999, modified 17.1.2000)
Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1996 - h#3
Selection of award made by Unto Heinonen. Helpmate tourney with noteworthy winners. Little mistake in one diagram corrected. (Added 28.12.1999, modified 11.1.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 2
Second handful of short fairy helpmates from seventies. (Added 10.1.2000)
My works No. 186-193
31st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 8 problems with less than 5 pieces and showing possibilities of the following fairy elements: grasshopper, Circe, transmuting king, fers, lion, nightrider-hopper, Anticirce, Sentinells, mao, moarider, rose lion, Maximummer, Haaner chess, Köko, royal piece. (Added 10.1.2000)
Selfmates 4
Three recent snapshots of fascinating world of selfmates. (Added 10.1.2000)
Helpmates in two with grasshoppers and nightriders 1
Short text introduces a few fairy helpmates and promises much more. (Added 28.12.1999)
Solver's impressions 3
Again travel and again a few problems solved. Generally I think I liked helpmates from Sinfonie Scacchistiche June 1988. (Added 28.12.1999)
Kriegspiel solving competition - main page
Kriegspiel solving competition - 1st set of problems
Kriegspiel solving competition - 2nd set of problems
Kriegspiel is 100 years old. To celebrate this anniversary, CCM and Chess Variants site jointly organize solving competition. The winner is Olivier Ronat, well known CCM contributor! (Added 25.8.1999, modified 28.12.1999)
Kriegspiel solving competition - solutions
... and here are the solutions to Kriegspiel problems ... (Added 28.12.1999)
Patrol chess problems 3
Third trio of Patrol chess problems, this time twomovers by Shlomo Seider. (Added 15.12.1999)
Award of 1st TT Becherovka 1999
Thematical tourney ran in Netanya. Hybrid helpmates with chameleon echo mates. Award by Michal Dragoun. (Added 15.12.1999)
Examples for 1st TT Becherovka 1999
In fact 5 thematical examples and 1 unthematical - but possibly the most interesting! (Added 15.12.1999)
The Problemist 1993 - fairies
Selection of award made by Torsten Linß, it includes one question - how is Monochromatic Circe defined? (Added 15.12.1999)
Karol Mlynka
8 problems by founder of Slovak school having a theme named after him - cyclic change of defence motives. A few errors corrected. (Added 6.12.1999, modified 14.12.1999)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 12/1999
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. One error corrected in Fasano's diagram - check it, if you want! (Added 6.12.1999, modified 14.12.1999)
2nd TT Pat a Mat C 31.8.2000
Announcement of Slovak formal tourney for problems showing pseudo-carousel change. (Added 6.12.1999)
An award of 3rd Chess Composition Microweb TT
Reto Aschwanden was satisfied with quality of entries. I was disappointed with their number. Was the tourney successful? Look at the award and make your own opinion. (Added 6.12.1999)
Pseudo-carousel change
5 examples showing this theme plus one showing carousel change. (Added 6.12.1999)
My works No. 181-185
30th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 h#3 with grasshoppers, and 2 longer helpmates with fairy pieces. (Added 6.12.1999)
Originals from Pat a Mat 24 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 24 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 24 - part 3
Complete originals section from our magazine, it is dated Apr 1999. Already with solutions. (Added 19.5.1999, modified 6.12.1999)
Reto Aschwanden
Judge of our 3rd TT is already well known fairy composer. He introduces himself with 5 fairy twomovers. (Added 17.11.1999)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 11/1999
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 12.11.1999)
Solver's impressions 2
I was again travelling and again solving. This time I cracked some nuts from U.S.P.B. (Added 12.11.1999)
Horizontal cyclic themes
Vertical cyclic themes
Complete cyclic themes
Interesting illustration problems for themes that will be included in book Cyclone. (Added 29.10.1999)
Originals from Problemas 25, #2
Originals from Problemas 25, #3, #4
Originals from Problemas 25, #n, n>4, h#2
Originals from Problemas 25, h#n, n>2, s#
Originals from Spanish magazine without solutions. (Added 22.10.1999)
4th TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 1.3.1999
Our fourth thematical tourney is dedicated to Patrol chess problems with specific checkmates. It will be judged by Juraj Lörinc and directed by Michal Dragoun. (Added 22.10.1999)
Originals from L'Italia Scacchistica 10/1999
Originals from Italian magazine without solutions. (Added 6.10.1999)
Valentin Rudenko
2 threemovers and 2 fourmovers by international grandmaster. (Added 6.10.1999)
My works No. 165-169
27th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains series selfmate with grasshoppers, 2 selfmates in Circe, h#3 with only two kings on board (fairy, of course) and s# with Köko + Maximummer combination. (Added 30.9.1999)
My works No. 157-164
26th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy #2, fairy #4, #12 with chameleons, h#2,5 in Circe Parrain with leos and lions, h#4 with lions, h#6,5 with chameleons in double maximummer and really heavy fairy r#2. (Added 30.9.1999)
Mat-64 tourneys for year 2000
Czech chess magazine will have problem section on 4 pages. It announces informal tourneys. (Added 29.9.1999)
Selfmates 3
This time only one selfmate by Kohtz & Kockelkorn. (Added 25.8.1999)
Originals from Pat a Mat 23 - part 1
Originals from Pat a Mat 23 - part 2
Originals from Pat a Mat 23 - part 3
Originals from Pat a Mat 23 - part 4
Complete originals section from our magazine, it is dated Dec 1998. Also solutions included. (Added 1.3.1999, modified 25.8.1999)
My works No. 151-156
25th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 Köko Maximummer selfmates, h#2, s#2 with many fairy pieces, h#3 with No captures condition and r#2 in Circe RI, Madrasi RI with mostly Chinese pieces. Uff! (Added 18.8.1999)
Solver's impressions 1
Once upon a time I liked solving very much as I had a lot of spare time. Now I have almost no spare time and thus I solve chess problems only while I'm travelling. As last Friday... (Added 26.7.1999)
My works No. 145-150
24th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 longer h# with imitator, h#3 with lions, 2 h#2 with orphans and #2 with orphans. (Added 26.7.1999)
3rd TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 16.10.1999
Our third thematical tourney is dedicated to twomovers using transmuting kings and other fairy pieces. Mr. Reto Aschwanden from Switzerland, expert in complicated fairy twomovers, kindly agreed to judge the tourney. (Added 6.7.1999)
2nd TT Chess Composition Microweb - C 30.6.1999
The award is published! (Modified 6.7.1999)
Herbert Hultberg Memorial Tourney
A selection from award of MT dedicated to logical problems. (Added 1.7.1999)
Ratings for solvers 1.7.1999
Marek Kolcák's rating, very actual one. (Added 1.7.1999)
Ratings for solvers 1.1.1999
Marek Kolcák's ratings, that appeared in Pat a Mat 24. (Added 27.5.1999)
3rd TT Quartz C 1.12.1999
Announcement of Romanian formal tourney for problem in Republican chess (Added 21.5.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 8
6 examples for our TT. (Modified 17.5.1999)
2nd TT Chess Composition Microweb announcement - C 30.6.1999
Our second thematical tourney is dedicated to fairy helpmate moremovers. Mr. Václav Kotesovec from Czech Republic, expert in this field, kindly agreed to judge the tourney. (Modified 11.5.1999)
Tivadar Kardos MT C 31.12.1999
Announcement of Hungarian formal tourney for series helpmates. Who can beat Bakcsi & Zoltan pair in their own country? (Added 16.4.1999)
My works No. 134-137
22nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#15 with many fairy elements, r#2 in Symmetry Circe, #2 with orphans and s#4 with royal lion. (Added 16.4.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 7
Now a page like this became an example page for our 2nd TT. (Modified 16.4.1999)
These two new fairy conditions were invented by Miro Brada a few years ago. I think they are worth popularizing... (Added 9.4.1999)
My works No. 129-133
After longer time we are back with:
21st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy h#3, 2 problems on cylindric board (h#2 and retro) and Anticirce seriesmover. (Added 9.4.1999)
My works No. 13-23
4th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains s#, 4 joke problems, Madrasi, 2 Anticirce, 2 ser-s#, h# with locusts. There was one undeserved distinction indicated... (Modified 9.4.1999)
Announcement of "Chess Composer of Millennium"
... is here published quicker than in printed version, of course... (Added 1.4.1999)
The Problemist 1997 - fairies
Very good fairy problems took part in The Problemist 1997 competition. Ronald Turnbull had hard job... (Added 1.4.1999)
1st TT Chess Composition Microweb - C 28.2.1999
The award is published! (Modified 1.4.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 6
Other helpmate moremovers from late 70's. (Added 29.3.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 5
Five Circe helpmate moremovers from late 70's. (Added 29.3.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 4
Fairy helpmate moremovers from FIDE album 1989-1991. (Added 29.3.1999)
Suomen Tehtäväniekat 1995 - h#2
Selection from award of informal Finnish helpmate tourney. (Added 29.3.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 3
Fairy helpmate moremovers from a Czechoslovak album. (Added 16.3.1999)
Vratislav Miltner Memorial Tourney
Selection of 4 cylindric board compositions that appeared in the award of theme tourney. (Added 16.3.1999)
Cyril Opalek
Presentation of Slovak composer, old considering his age, young considering his mind. (Modified 16.3.1999)
Selfmates 2
Second bunch of selfmates with no common point. (Added 12.3.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 2
Mainly helpmate maximummers, one duel chess problem. (Added 12.3.1999)
Unto Heinonen
Selection of 5 fairy problems of the original Finnish composer. (Added 12.3.1999)
Longer fairy helpmates 1
What can be shown in this specific fairy genre? First page, next will follow soon. (Added 1.3.1999)
Theodor Tauber
Israeli expert for fairy chess presents his own compositions. (Added 17.2.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 13
Possibly the last examples. I think we have already enough and the deadline is near... (Added 17.2.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 12
Again and again examples for 1st Chess Composition Microweb TT. (Added 17.2.1999)
Lipskie Centrum Kultury C 1.9.1999
Announcement of new formal tourney. (Added 8.2.1999)
Lipskie Centrum Kultury 1998 - fairy #2
Extracts from award of formal tourney for fairy #2. (Added 8.2.1999)
JT Persson 80 - h#2
Extracts from award of theme tourney for h#2. (Added 1.2.1999)
Lev Loshinskij
One of the best chess composers in whole history, international grandmaster.(Really added 1.2.1999)
Csak - Majoros tourney - C 30.6.1999
Announcement and exmaples of Hungarian h#/s# tourney. (Added 29.1.1999)
Alexander Pituk
Nestor of Slovak chess composition.(Added 28.1.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 11
Fairy helpmates characterized by title I noticed in last days. (Added 25.1.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 10
Orthodox helpmates characterized by title I noticed in last days. (Added 25.1.1999)
My works No. 123-128
20th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy h#2, h= with grasshoppers, very fairy s#, fairy endgame and joke problem. (Added 18.1.1999)
My works No. 117-122
19th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with grasshoppers, 2 s#2 with grasshoppers, h# Köko, hs# and Degradierung =2. (Added 18.1.1999)
My works No. 112-116
18th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains some of my very best works: 2 fairy #2, semi-r#2 in Republican chess, r# in Patrol chess and very fairy s#. (Added 18.1.1999)
Illustration helpmates 1
Helpmates illustrating this discussion and something more... (Added 18.1.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 7
Helpmates characterized by title included in award of Bakonyoszlop '98 h#3 competition. (Modified 18.1.1999)
Bakonyoszlop '98 - h#3
Extracts from award of theme tourney for h#3. Judge's comments translated from Hungarian included. (Modified 18.1.1999)
Subscription page
Finally we have implemented the form for subscribing... (Added 12.1.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 9
Opinions of chess composers about matter. No new diagrams on this page. (Added 12.1.1999)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 8
4 examples for fairy section of our thematical tourney. (Added 8.1.1999)
Lacny theme 2
Many orthodox examples for Slovak tourney taken from TT Pravda 1969. (Added 7.1.1999)
Praca 1995 - #2
Extracts from award of informal tourney for #2. (Added 4.1.1999)
My works No. 105-111
17th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 7 fairy problems on 3x7 board. (Added 14.12.1998)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 6
Helpmates characterized by title included in awards of Wola Gulowska 1993, 1995 and 1996. (Added 7.12.1998)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 5
A selection of helpmates characterized by title composed by Torsten Linß, includes 4 fairies. (Added 4.12.1998)
Lacny theme TT announcement - C 1.11.1999
Announcement and a few orthodox examples of Lacny theme. (Added 1.12.1998)
My works No. 99-104
16th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with grasshoppers, seriesmover in Haaner chess, h#3 with mooses in köko, #5 in Patrol chess, h#2 in Degradierung and semi-r#2 in Republican chess. (Added 27.11.1998)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 4
Helpmates characterized by title included in Album FIDE 1989-1991. (Added 23.11.1998)
My works No. 82-87
13th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy retros and 4 h# in köko with mooses (one with added Haaner chess). (Added 14.10.1998)
Selfmates 1
A very little collection of selfmates that were shown by Peter Gvozdják on our last local chess composition meeting (on Friday Oct 2nd). (Added 13.10.1998)
My works No. 76-81
12th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2, 2 #2 with grasshoppers, 2 problems with neutral pieces and unsolvable r#2 Anticirce. (Modified 13.10.1998)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 3
Opinions of Christian Poisson, Mario Parrinello and Juraj Lörinc about matter. No new diagrams on this page. (Added 6.10.1998)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 1
The reaction of Theodor Tauber to one my comment. Nice helpmates. Unfortunately, one of them is cooked by Christian Poisson. (Modified 1.10.1998)
Twins by moving black king in helpmate 2
Second bunch of helpmates characterized by title. (Added 29.9.1998)
Works by Ukrajina composers
4 direct mates selected for the memory of meeting held this September. (Added 21.9.1998)
My works No. 6-12
3rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 h#, joke problem, 2 Anticirce, ser-h# and =2 with fairy pieces. Last two were found incorrect: Theodor Tauber cooked ser-h#, Christian Poisson proved =2 has no solution. (Modified 21.9.1998)
My works No. 46-53
8th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#, h#2 with grasshoppers, 3 Anticirces, joke problem and 2 maximummers with fairy pieces. One of maximummers already cooked by Christian Poisson... (Modified 14.9.1998)
Announcement of equihopper TT
153rd TT Probleemblad announcement and a few examples. (Added 14.9.1998)
Patrol chess problems 2
Another batch of sophisticated patrol compositions. (Added 14.9.1998)
My works No. 70-75
11th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy #2, 3 Degradierung problems and r#2 in Bratislava chess.. (Added 7.9.1998)
My works No. 62-69
10th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2, s#2, 2 #3, 3 h#2 and fairy #2. (Added 7.9.1998)
JT Sovik 50
Extracts from award of theme tourney for #3 with changes. (Added 28.8.1998)
My works No. 39-45
7th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#, Anticirce, fairy h=, proof game in Patrol chess, fairy s#3 and 2 fairy h#2. (Added 13.8.1998)
My works No. 31-38
6th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#, ser-=9, #2 with chinese pieces, 4 fairy h#, s#23 in Patrol chess. (Added 13.8.1998)
My works No. 24-30
5th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 h#, Madrasi, 2 fairy #2, fairy =52. (Added 12.8.1998)
Patrol chess problems 1
3 compositions featuring one of the most sophisticated fairy chess conditions - patrol chess.(Added 10.8.1998)
My works No. 2-5
2nd part from the series showing all my published compositions (first was 'My first opus'). It contains 2 #2, h#, joke problem.(Added 10.8.1998)
Switchbacks by both sides in helpmate
An extract of helpmates from interesting article by Václav Kotesovec.(Added 10.8.1998)
My first opus
How I started? Of course, with twomover! (Added 10.8.1998)
Explanation page
How is Chess Composition Microweb sorted? What is personal rating? (Added 10.8.1998)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
Back to main page of Chess Composition Microweb.