Chessproblems Page

The chess problems page has moved to a new address,, and is a bit under construction now..

I have indicated the more difficult problems with a *.
Click here to see the chessbooks I used to collect these problems.

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Some chessproblems I made myself:

1) mate in 9 moves.
2) White draws in a few moves.
3) Mate in 18 moves.
4) Black mates in 4 moves.
5) White mates in 10 moves.*

6) A blitz game.

7) White promotes his d-pawn.

Some other chessproblems:

01) White wins the endgame.*
02) mate in 10 moves.*
03) mate in 7 moves.*
04) one Knight beats them all..
05) 4 promotions needed.*

11) A problem by Birnov.
12) A problem by J. Rusinek.
13) Black wins quickly.*
14) A problem by H. Rinck.
15) White wins the Rook-ending.

16) White wins the Queen-ending.*
17) White wins the ending.
18) Mate in 4 moves.
19) White wins in 4 moves.
20) White wins in 5 moves.

26) White wins in two moves.
27) White wins.
28) The Bishop does all the work..
29) Smothered mate..
30) Mate in 4 moves.

36) Endgame
37) Only one move needed.
38) Mate in 6. Tal missed the mate in this game.
39) Mate in 4 moves.
40) White wins the rook-ending.

46) Catch the bishop. (easy one)
47) Nice win in 3 moves.
48) The queen only needs 7 moves.
49) Stop black's promotion. L. Prokes, 1948
50) Rook endgame.

56) Draw with 1 rook down.
57) Amazing queenending.
58) Mate in 5.
59) Pawnendgame. * Aljechin-Yates.
60) The power of the king. Steel-N.N.

66) Stop black's pawn.
67) Just 4 pawns on the board!
68) Endgame analysis: White wins.*
69) Endgame analysis: Black wins.*
70) 5 pawns each: black wins.

76) Study by Hlinka & Klimanic.
77) Sadistic endgame.
78) Fatal check.
79) White wins in 3 moves.
80) Famous game. Rubinstein-Rotlevi

86) Endgame study.*
87) Another rookendgame.*
88) Surprising pawnendgame.
89) White wins in a few moves.*
90) The famous Reti problem.

96) White wins in 4 moves.
97) Rookendgame.*
98) Mate in 20.
99) White draws.
100) Knightendgame, a draw.

106) Black win in 5 moves.
107) Mate in 4 moves.Torre-J. Timman
108) Brilliant move by Marshall!
109) White wins the rookendgame.
110) 3 outstanding problems by S. Loyd!

116) Great combination
117) Endgamestudy by Rinck
118) Reti-Tartakower, 1910

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