
A. A. Troitski, 1910.

A very difficult one. Mate (or losing the queen) in 8. White to begin.


p k   N

To see the solution: drag the mouse from here....
Solution: 1. Ne5+ Kd6! 1. ......., Kc5? 2. Nd7+ Kd6 Qf4+! Kc6 Qf6+ Kb7 Qb6+ etc.
2. Nd3!
with the threat of 3. Qd7 and mate, so:
2. ........., Qf7 3. Qd4+ Qd5
Black can't move his king
4. Qf6+ Qe6 5. Qg7!!
with the idea Qc7+ and Nf4+
5. ......., Qf5 6. Nf4!!
Black can't take the knight, and must prevent Qc7#
6. ......, Kc5 7. Qc3+ Kb(d)6 8. Qc7#!

to here.

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