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ICC Groups :: LeChessClub Group

Description: A forum of debate and learning to increase knowledge of chess for players of all strengths. Channel 340. Finger \\\"LeChessClub\\\" for more information.
Operator: OfficersOfLeChessClub
Channel: 340

LeChessClub Activities

All LeChess Club activities and events are FREE. LeChess Club's main features include:

- Lecture series by titled players.

- The Mentoring Program, designed to help you improve.

- Banter Matches, where two players whisper their thoughts on the game for the benefit of onlookers.

- Two Correspondence Games against GM Kochyev with Analysis Sessions to help members decide on the next move for the Club.

For all the details please visit our web site:


Joining LeChess Club

1. In order to join LeChess Club you must be a member of ICC and you should read the Rules outlined below.

2. You should then send an email to lechessclub @ hotmail.com with the subject heading "Joining LeChessClub" and provide the following information:

a) your ICC Handle,

b) your Time Zone,

c) state you have read the Rules

d) detail the number of rated standard games you have played on the handle applying (NOTE: you must have played at least 20),

e) your reason for joining LeChess Club,

3. If for some reason you have not been acknowledged within 7 days of emailing then send an ICC message to the Group operator.

The Rules of LeChess Club

1. The purpose and aim of the Club is to increase the knowledge of chess and provide a forum of debate and learning for players of any rating. Events and tournaments will be held for the players to gain experience, exchange knowledge, and enjoy an atmosphere of friendly competition. With that in mind, the Club will play all games on the "Internet Chess Club" (ICC) server, using it's rating system and rules that apply to membership status. Therefore, all Club members must also be ICC members and any violation of the ICC rules and policies shall be considered violations of Club rules as well.

2. The club shall abide by the "FIDE" rules (Fédération Internationale de Échecs or World Chess Federation) concerning the game of chess and principles of equal rights, rejecting national, social, racial, sexual or religious discrimination manifested in any form whatsoever.

3. ICC membership extensions will occasionally be awarded as prizes to Lechessclub members playing in LechessClub tournaments or events, but those prizes do not constitute an obligation of the Club to its members and will not be awarded, unless properly advertised in advance on the official web site.

4. All time information is referenced to ICC's server time, which is USA Eastern Time (New York).

5. Computer accounts or those with an apology for using outside assistance will have their membership in Lechess revoked. Once the account has the (C) or apology removed they may reapply to join LeChessClub.

6. Lechessclub will not tolerate obscenities, personal attacks, advertising in channel 340 or disruption of its events. Those involved may be expelled from Lechessclub.

Organization of the Club

President : Invicta-Knight

Vice-President & Group operator: forketta

Vice-President & Lebot manager: Gomer

Honorary Vice-President: Chessicstudent

Founders of LeChess Club: Scrutinizer, emcutting

Mentoring Program manager: Sir-Knightly

Lectures manager: bedlam

Banter Matches manager: Invicta-Knight

Study Buddies manager: JimGrange

T4545 League Teams manager: Invicta-knight, Gomer

Special Events manager: bedlam

LeChessClub web site admin: emcutting

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