Scenes from the Road

Chicago's Maxwell Street, July 1995

Here is a little bluesy street scene from Chicago's Maxwell Street I shot back in July of 1995, a summer morning of blues, tacos and beer in a bag. Actually this is the first year that the University of Illinois at Chicago displaced the Maxwell Street Market to Canal Street, south of Roosevelt. The Terminal Tap -- best name for a bar I ever heard -- you were always Terminal on Old Style when you came out of there! The Terminal Tap and all the former buildings along the west side of Canal Street are now gone. In their place is a Jewel food store parking lot. Nice improvement. By the way, that's "Dancin' Lady" in the foreground shaking her old thing to the late David Lindsey's blues band. They played some real raw blues through some real shitty equipment. Dancin' Lady was known as much for her funky headware as for her moves out on the hot pavement. We went to a Cubs game after this. Put a tip in the bucket, you cheap bastard!

--Steve Sharp

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