
Would you believe there's stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere on this site? Oh, it's true. And here it is.


Were you out to lunch during pivotal seconds in history? Never fear! I've got actual logs from the countdowns to seconds such as 1998's "UNIX 900 million seconds" second (see also the fire automessage which I keep around for no good reason), and 1999's "12:34:56 07/8/99" second. Relive these glorious seconds vicariously through me!


That is Scott's abbreviation for Forwards From Hell. This forward is not from hell, but rather from Mayra Garza: You Might Be From A Small Town If...


Y2K has come and gone, but the forwards of the form "replace 2 in y2k with another number" will live forever. Read them and weep.

Ancient Chinese Secrets

A .WAV extracted from the freaky boy DOS game Shadow Warrior by the excellent kung fu of Frederick Lee.

Other stuff

The world's first Nethack tribute to Frank Zappa. I think. Yes, the stats and alignment are wrong.

The Female Algorithm, an email debate that raged between Kris, Adam, and I, on whether or not Adam's "female algorithm" would work and whether or not it was truly recursive. Caution: Contains strong language, as does anything that involves Adam.

This document (source) is part of Crummy, the webspace of Leonard Richardson (contact information). It was last modified on Monday, April 12 2004, 21:18:08 Nowhere Daylight Time and last built on Friday, June 29 2007, 19:01:09 Nowhere Daylight Time.

Crummy is © 1996-2007 Leonard Richardson. Unless otherwise noted, all text licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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