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  ChessAssistant 8.1

Detailed description of Chess Assistant 8.1


20.2.4. Seek List

When you click on Seek list tab, the console changes into a list of players currently connected to ICC server, with the information on their respective challenges displayed in columns.

From the left to the right they include the player’s index (player’s unique number), his/her rating, their handle (pseudonym), type of a game they want to play (color coded for easy identification),  time control, increment, rated or not, color of the pieces a player has chosen, desired range of an opponent’s rating, and flags. You can accept a challenge by double-clicking on it.

The tops of the columns in Seek list are control elements in themselves, permitting you to reorganize the list, by clicking on them. Next click on the same header reorganizes the list in reverse order. For example, clicking on sorts the list according to the slowest or the fastest time control being sought, and clicking on it for the second time reverses the order. You can also set a filter to show seeks only according to the conditions you choose

To the left of the Seek list itself, you can see a specialized toolbar with the icons designed to perform actions with any challenge you select from the list. These are accepting the challenge (of course), issuing a seek of your own, fingering the challenger, pinging the challenger (to see how good or bad the challenger’s connection is), and finally assessing them to see how much your rating changes by playing them.

20.2.5. Seek Diagram

In CA all the pending seeks may also be viewed in Seek diagram. This is an alternate display and way of seeing different challenges players have sent. When you click on Seek diagram tab, the display of the game view changes into Seek diagram window as seen below.

Each of the dots on the diagram represents a player looking for an opponent. Moving your mouse over a dot will display the details about that seek in a floating tip whereas clicking on a dot will accept that particular challenge.

Seek Diagram

Faster games are listed to the left, slower ones to the right. The vertical dotted lines divide between the different time controls: Bullet, Blitz, and Standard. The highest rated players are listed on the top and the lower rated ones near the bottom. Gray dots are those seeks that don't match your settings. Solid dots are rated game requests, while hollow dots are unrated requests.

20.2.6. Players List

In Players list you will see a list of all the connected players in order of rating.

The list is color coded to identify easily whether a player is open for a game (blue), playing a game (yellow), or not open to challenges (red). Players who are examining a game or who have been idle for more than 5 minutes will also appear in red. The list, which can obviously be quite large, can also be reduced by setting a filter.

You will find a special toolbar at the side with the buttons permitting you to finger a player, issue a match to the player (you can also do this by double-clicking on their name), follow a player, observe a player’s game, ping them, see their playing variables, assess your rating change if you played them, and finally refresh the list.

20.2.7. Games List

This list shows the games currently being played on ICC.

It is color coded by type of a game (bullet, blitz, and standard) and displays all the details on the game divided into columns. The information shown is: ICC game number, white’s rating, white’s handle, black’s rating, black’s handle, type of a game (plus if it rated or not), time, increment, the time left and material count per player, and in the end the side to move and move number. The list can be reduced by setting a filter, and the columns can be reordered by clicking on their name at the top of them.

There is a toolbar on the side allowing you to observe a game, finger white, finger black, observe the highest rated game, and see who the observers of a game are.



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