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  ChessAssistant 8.1

Detailed description of Chess Assistant 8.1


4. Searches

Chess Assistant offers a huge amount of possible searches allowing you to search for just about anything. Enhancements were made to some of the pre-existing searches, and a new category for maneuvers (simple or complex) was created. You will also find that it is unbeaten as for the speed of its searches.

The following are the types of searches available, with a brief description, which can be used individually or in any combination:

4.1. Search for header

Main menu: Search->Header...

Headers: name, ECO, dates, annotator, range of moves, etc.
You can also now search for undefined fields. This means that you can search specifically for an empty field, i.e. the absence of information.
The example of a header search operation is available in a flash video.

4.2. Search for position

Main menu: Search->Position… 

Position: setup a specific position or choose specific conditions such as squares where any piece, or only certain pieces can appear. Here you can also set it to look in variations and search for the mirror flank situations. The standard procedure of positional search is implemented when looking for specific position, a partial position or a structure. On the other hand, you can search for any position you encounter when viewing the games. The latter flash animation also explains how to save a position as a search criterion.

4.3. Search for material

Main menu: Search->Material…

Material: a number of pieces, material imbalances, the time the imbalance lasted and the total number of pieces. See flash demo for example of material search. Another demo presents searching for bishops of opposite (or the same) colors.

4.4. Advanced searches

Main menu: Search->Advanced…
Advanced: Set up searches on only the specific parts of the board. 

We have increased the number of fields that can be used in the advanced search. This allows increased flexibility when looking for certain types of endgames. The maximum number of regions is now 14. An option to quickly shift regions has been added to the local context menu for the board.

4.5. Search for comments

Main menu: Search->Comments...

Comments: search for commented games, as well as any specific commentary, which is illustrated by the flash demo.

4.6. Search for maneuvers

Main menu: Search->Maneuvers... 

Maneuvers: this new category permits you not only to search for one-step maneuvers such as the Greek gift (bishop sacrifice on h7/h2), but also more complex ones in several steps such as the common Sicilian exchange sacrifice on c3 followed one move later by a knight capture on e4. For example, you can determine how many moves are between the two steps, and whether the rook came from a specific square on the c-file or any square on the c-file. See a flash demo on maneuver search.

All the searches can be saved and organized into a special classifier that can be used later at any time, plus they can be exchanged between other users.
When working within a specific game, it goes without saying that there are certain types of searches you will want more often, so presets were added to the search button allowing you in a single click to:

  • Search for current material
  • Search for current pawn structure
  • Search for current material difference
  • Search for current pawn structure and material

A flash demo presents an example of combining searches.Coupled with these features is the ability to add search results to open datasets. This allows for the easy aggregation of search data without saving intermediate datasets to disk.

4.7. CQL search

Main menu: Search->CQL search
Abbreviation CQL stans for Chess Query Language that was designed to allow researchers, authors, and players to search for games, problems, and studies matching specific themes. You specify the theme you are looking for, and the database to look for them, in CQL. Chess Assistant 8.1 supports the implementation of CQL in your searches. Selecting the Search->CQL search item in the main menu opens the dialog box inviting you to select any of the files with CQL code:

These files are stored in \CQL catalog of Chess Assistant 8.1. They contain the CQL code definig various chess themes that can be used as search criteria. The .cql file is a text file that can be viewed with the aid of Windows Notepad:

CQL code there describes themes like stalemates with multiple pins; games in which the same position recurs but with the winning side missing just one piece; Nowotny and Grimshaw themes, games with some number of captures on a single square, games with a certain number of black and white passed pawns, and many more. For example, code fragment in the picture above defines the condition (theme) of bishops on the adjacent diagonals.

As usually, the results of search operation are presented as a separate set of games. Positions that satisfy the specified criteria are marked with a color marker in game notation, while other color markers on the chesboard schematically represent the criteria:

Use the following links to find out more about the CQL:

  • Chess Assistant 8.1 Mega Packet Review by Robert Pawlak;
  • an article by Tim Krabbe © 2004-2005 in his Open Chess Diary;
  • Gady Costeff's article;
  • complete CQL manual

4.8 Composite search

Main menu: Search->Composite
More than 100 chess criteria built-in into Chess Assistant’s search facility, which facilitate you orientation in various stages of the chess game – opening, middlegame and endgame. The complete list of these criteria (or conditions) is displayed in the Condition dialog box that appears after you have selected the Search | Composite item from the main menu:

Here you can find multiple positional criteria referring to various kinds of alignment of forces, controlling files and important squares in the center of the chessboard and on its periphery, safety of the king, as well as ones concerning the positioning and play with various pieces. Actually, these complex conditions represent some predefined templates for the search, which will assist you in forming your search request. This makes the Composite search a powerful tool for finding a variety of complex positional factors which define the course of the struggle on the board.



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