GameKnot online chess
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Rules for Chess teams:
  • Each team match consists of a number of games with the time control set to either 3, 5 or 7 days per move, 2 games per each player (one playing white and one playing black);
  • Team captains can challenge other teams to a team match, or accept/decline other teams' challenges;
  • Each team game affects the team rating, using Elo rating formula (just like player ratings);
  • When a player quits a team or moves to another team, all games started while being in the old team will still be counted towards that team's rating;
  • Teams can have up to 30 free members and unlimited number of premium subscribers;
  • At least 5 wins in regular games are required to be able to join a team;
  • Only premium subscribers with Platinum or Titanium memberships can start a new team or have a team captaincy transferred to them;