gamble on chess!
Think you've got what it takes to become a professional chess gambler? Find out with our new multiplayer online gambling simulation!

The Chessbookie Game pits your skills of predicting real-world professional chess events with other chessgames members. The game uses what we call chessbucks, and if you have a chessgames account, we've already deposited 1000 chessbucks for you to get started.

So step into our whimsical underworld of seedy backroom chess gamblers, and try to strike it rich. If you can pick the winners, your chessbucks account will grow and grow. If you're really good, you'll see your name in lights on our Leaderboard, for others to admire. And if you're the best of the best, you will be immortalized in our Hall of Fame.


DISCLAIMER: Warning: this game may be habit-forming! This game is for entertainment purposes only; no real money changes hands.

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