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5th Gyorgy Marx Memorial Tournament

Peter Acs6/10(+5 -3 =2)[view games]
Pentala Harikrishna6/10(+3 -1 =6)[view games]
Csaba Balogh5.5/10(+3 -2 =5)[view games]
Ferenc Berkes5/10(+2 -2 =6)[view games]
Viktor Korchnoi4.5/10(+3 -4 =3)[view games]
Yifan Hou3/10(+1 -5 =4)[view games]

 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 30  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Yifan Hou vs Korchnoi 0-145 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialC80 Ruy Lopez, Open
2. C Balogh vs F Berkes  1-031 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
3. Acs vs Harikrishna 1-045 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE30 Nimzo-Indian, Leningrad
4. Korchnoi vs Harikrishna  ½-½42 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
5. Yifan Hou vs C Balogh 1-032 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialB83 Sicilian
6. F Berkes vs Acs  1-054 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
7. Harikrishna vs F Berkes  ½-½58 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD87 Grunfeld, Exchange
8. Acs vs Yifan Hou 1-050 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE58 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Main line with 8...Bxc3
9. C Balogh vs Korchnoi 1-052 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialC80 Ruy Lopez, Open
10. Harikrishna vs C Balogh  ½-½28 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE17 Queen's Indian
11. Acs vs Korchnoi 0-140 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE21 Nimzo-Indian, Three Knights
12. F Berkes vs Yifan Hou  ½-½44 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE58 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Main line with 8...Bxc3
13. Korchnoi vs F Berkes 1-059 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialA15 English
14. C Balogh vs Acs 0-154 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialC91 Ruy Lopez, Closed
15. Yifan Hou vs Harikrishna  0-150 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialC88 Ruy Lopez
16. Korchnoi vs Yifan Hou ½-½68 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE05 Catalan, Open, Classical line
17. F Berkes vs C Balogh  ½-½71 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE25 Nimzo-Indian, Samisch
18. Harikrishna vs Acs 1-039 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialE04 Catalan, Open, 5.Nf3
19. C Balogh vs Yifan Hou  1-040 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialB90 Sicilian, Najdorf
20. Harikrishna vs Korchnoi 1-043 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD27 Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical
21. Acs vs F Berkes  ½-½59 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD97 Grunfeld, Russian
22. F Berkes vs Harikrishna  ½-½27 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD17 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
23. Korchnoi vs C Balogh  ½-½35 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialA17 English
24. Yifan Hou vs Acs  0-153 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialB69 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack, 7...a6 Defense, 11.Bxf6
25. F Berkes vs Korchnoi  1-047 2007 5th Gyorgy Marx MemorialD27 Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 30  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Aug-14-07  Ragh: <angslo> Yes, Harikrishna will lose 4 elo points if he just draws tomorrow. It was a difficult situation he was in because, his rating was way above all other participants and everybody were performing very well.

However, considering that he started off the tournament very badly, he recovered well to stage an excellent comeback with three successive victories and now on the verge of successfully winning the tournament for second consecutive time.

Aug-15-07  angslo: yes, it was a very nice recovery. I was wishing Hari to win against Hou. That would give him 3 plus and tournament both. Well.... Good result for everyone's favourite Hou. All the best to Hari in the last round. Tournament win would be doubly sweet on account of India's Independence day
Aug-15-07  doremi: <angslo: ...God bless Hari> God bless doremi too
Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: <If God is angry with us, why is he punishing Hou?>God is not punishing Hou, He is awarding her with this invitation to a strong tournament, not even Judit Polgar or Magnus Carlsen had when they were 13! God bless the tournament's organisers too!
Aug-15-07  s4life: <lostemperor: <If God is angry with us, why is he punishing Hou?>God is not punishing Hou, He is awarding her with this invitation to a strong tournament, not even Judit Polgar or Magnus Carlsen had when they were 13! God bless the tournament's organisers too!>

I only hope she doesn't get discouraged by her current results.

Aug-15-07  gmgomes: Results of last round seems to be:

Korchnoi, V 0 - 1 Ács, P
Balogh, Cs 1/2 - 1/2 Harikrishna, P
Hou, Y 1/2 - 1/2 Berkes, F

confirming these results, Acs and Harikrishna are tied in 1st with 6 points; I have no information of tie breaks.

I say these results must be confirmed, as the final position of Korchnoi x Acs is drawish, but the site says 0-1; it is not sure if Korchnoi lost on time, resigned in a drawn position or if the score is wrong.

Aug-15-07  gmgomes: <I say these results must be confirmed> Results are confirmed; Korchnoi might have lost on time - after leading the first leg of the tournament, Korchnoi ended up in 5th place - scoring only 1 point in last 5 games.
Aug-15-07  contra: Korchnoi missed his oatmeal in the second half it seems.
Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: <contra> That's a Catch 22 situation. ;D
Aug-15-07  TheGadge: Final standings

1. Ács, P 6
Harikrishna, P 6
3. Balogh, Cs 5˝
4. Berkes, F 5
5. Korchnoi, V 4˝
6. Hou, Y 3

Perhaps age is beginning to tell with Korchnoi!

Aug-15-07  Ragh: Due to the absense of tie-break rules in Hungary, Harikrishna and Acs are declared the joint-winners of the tournament.
Aug-15-07  Astardis: What a disappointing finish for Korchnoi. However, what has he got to prove?
Aug-15-07  HunImi: Ács is the winner, because he's got more wins.
Aug-15-07  angslo: <doremi: <angslo: ...God bless Hari> God bless doremi too>:) and angslo too:)
Aug-15-07  Ragh: <HunImi> I don't know where you picked things out of thin air, but all news reports suggest that <Harikrishna and Acs are joint winners> due to the absense of tie-break rules for the tournament.

Aug-16-07  HunImi: atricle again about the person of the winner:
Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: <Perhaps age is beginning to tell with Korchnoi!> it did with Hou;-)

Aug-16-07  Ezzy: It seems the winners share the same birthday. -
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: Report:

On the position in Korchnoi-Acs in which Korchnoi resigned: <The position is in no way lost, White can easily defend. What on earth happened? Apparently Korchnoi, who had 20 minutes on his clock (vs just five minutes for Peter Ács), did not see the defending move 32.Qe2! The tournament arbiter Sandor Videki tells us that in the second half of the tournament Viktor had medical problems with his eyes – and here it resulted in a rare moment of chess blindness for him.>

Aug-16-07  pawnofdoom: chessbase says Peter Acs won first, due to the fact that he had 2 more wins than Harikrishna. However, ti also says that based on normal tiebreaks, Harikrishna would have won, because his tiebreaks were 0.5 higher "The result can be seen in the draw statistics, with only 13 of 30 games ending without a decision (43%). White won 37% of the games, Black 20%." This is pretty impressive for a tournament with such highly rated people. The tournaments that are like all grandmaster have draws almost every game

To bad Harikrishna couldn't gain rating points here. Opposition was too low. His performance was about 2640

And it also mentions that Korchnoi's eye problems were the cause of the bad performance int he second half. It's hard to play when blindness prevents you from seeing everything. Poor Korchnoi.

Aug-16-07  Ezzy: <pawnofdoom: chessbase says Peter Acs won first, due to the fact that he had 2 more wins than Harikrishna> Generally from the point of view of the majority of chess fans, they regard such results as 'joint first.'
Aug-17-07  contra: Are Harikrishna and Balogh still playing ?

Aug-17-07  contra: Incidentally, I've come to realize that the tourney is over. Hearty congratulations to Acs and Harikrishna.
Aug-17-07  contra: Whiteshark, I don't know what a "catch 22 situation" is supposed to mean. I was wrong, Korchnoi had eye problems, so maybe he forgot to drink carrot juice after his oatmeal.
Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: <contra:.. < so maybe he forgot to drink carrot juice after his oatmeal.>> ROFL !

"catch 22 situation" = doom loop = vicious circle

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