Aganalian vs Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian
Tbilisi 1945  ·  Old Indian, Ukrainian Variation, 4.Nf3 (A54)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
Mar-25-04   drukenknight: Something strange is going on w/ the Old Indian. Would you believe that the postion after white's 6th move appears 10 times in the data base and black is batting 95%! (9 wins/1 draw).

This one is the oldest.

Jun-28-04   Keshishian: <Drukenknight>
I was thinking of posting the exact same thing when I saw your post! This one surprised me as well.
Jun-29-04   drukenknight: There are a lot move examples of this in the chesslab data base but black is still winning an inordinate number.
Jun-29-04   caballos2: Strange indeed, but here black's win isn't surprising: Tigran on the board and some positional blunders and waste of time by white (especially moves 18 and 23).
Premium Chessgames Member
  azi: Yes. It is hard to believe that white does not have a relatively easy game if he wants one)in this line (I know-no such thing as an easy game:)). Certainly Petrosian is a better manuverer but white appears to have no plan and black has the pragmatic plan of improving his pieces available. Whereas white's pieces sort of start out on their best squares and then crumble downward. I get positions like this and fall for the appearance that the early exchange of queens and blacks loss of castling is a plus - it isn't. The option of this position comes up in the kings indian defense as well as the old indian.
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