Vasily Smyslov vs Lembit Oll
Rostov 1993  ·  Dutch Defense: Semi-Leningrad Variation (A81)  ·  1-0

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Premium Chessgames Member
  David2009: Smyslov vs Oll, 1993 White 29?

I looked first at 29 fxg5 Kxe5 30 gxh6: Black can build dangerous counter-play but this is a tempting over-the-board winning attempt (against a human opponent, not Crafty). Then I looked further and spotted 29 g4+ Kxe4 30 Nf2+ Kxf4 31 Rg1 and 32 Bd2# cannot be prevented. This is my final answer. Black can bail out with 30...Kxg4 31 fxg5+ Kf5! 32 Kf3 hxg4 when White has B for 2P abd should win the ending. Time to check:
Got it! Makes up for yesterday's loss.
Carafty End Game Trainer link to the puzzle position:

click for larger view (Smyslov-Oll 1993, 29?) Win the ending if you can - I blundered first time round. Good practice!

Premium Chessgames Member
  David2009: Smyslov vs Oll, 1993 AFTERWORD: The position at move 30 is a pure chess problem and deserves its own diagram.

click for larger view

White to play and mate in two. After Rg1 there is indeed a defence to Bd2# namely e4 <dzechiel>: but this allows Nh3#

An example (for me) of "luck in chess" - I play a combination, miss an important defence (31 e4) but win after all because of an unexpected resource namely 32 Nh3#. If you can't be good - be lucky!

May-21-10   Bonifratz: I got it till Nf2+ but didn't get any further since i was looking for continuous checks... :(

Love your "shiny black obelisk" reference, <Once>!

May-21-10   xmachine: I don't have the slightest idea... I'm guessing two things though;

1) the rook has to be sacrificed!

2) The first move is a knight move, to open up the file for the rook

I was looking at Nxe5, but after Kxe4, I can't see any way to continue (Rd4+ and g4 didn't work for me...)

Ok, let's see the answer...

May-21-10   xmachine: g4+ first - hadn't thought of that! and in the final position, I don't think Black can stop Bd2 mate... I was focused too much on the e5 pawn
Premium Chessgames Member
  johnlspouge: Friday (Difficult)

Smyslov vs Oll, 1993 (29.?)

White to play and win.

Material: Even. The Black Kf5 has 4 legal moves, and while secured from all checks but Re4xe5+ and Pg3-g4+, is precariously exposed in the center, where a hideous fate awaits.

Candidates (29.): g4+

29.g4+ Kxe4 [else, fxg5 wins a B for 2P]

Candidates (30.): Nf2+, Bd2

30.Nf2+ Kxf4

Candidates (31.): Bd2+, Rg1

[31.Bd2+ Kg3 32.Rg1+ Kh2 33.Rh1+ Kg2]

Black survives because of the loophole at g3, but the variation can be repaired:

30.Rg1 (threatening 31.Bd2#)

30…e4 31.Nh3#

After 30…e4, Kf4 could escape through e5 against 31.Bd2#, but not through e4 after 31.Nh3.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Marmot PFL: 29 g4+ Kxe4 (anything else just loses the B) 30 Nf2+ Kxf4 31 Bd2+ Kg3 32 Rg1+ Kh4 looks like a draw. Tried some other lines, then realized that 31 Rg1 first wins. OTB I would see that once in the position, unless I did something dumb like offer a draw. Overall this was easier for me than yesterday. Probably I play more like Smyslov than like Tal.
Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: For today's Friday puzzle solution, Smyslov weaves a clever mating web with the deflection sham sacrifice 29. g4+!

See <dzechiel> and <TheBish>'s posts for an explanation of White's two mating options in the final position.

May-21-10   MrMelad: A very pleasing mating pattern.
Premium Chessgames Member
  ajk68: Almost had it.
Saw a mating net, but thought 29. f5 sealed it. It was unnecessary and allows a 30...Be3.
May-21-10   Everett: <VincentL: Very clever. The amazing move here is 28. f4.

Smyslov was almost 60 years old when he played this game, against a grandmaster rated well above 2600.>

Smyslov was 63 back in 1983, so he was @ 73 years old when he played this game.

Premium Chessgames Member
  JG27Pyth: I hope I can see combinations like this when I'm 73... cuz i sure can't see em now ;)
Premium Chessgames Member
  YouRang: Wow - a fantastic open field mate.

Especially tough to see since the final position gives black two choices for being mated: (1) 31...e4 32.Nh3# or (2) 31...other 32.Bd2#

I wish I saw it. :-\

Premium Chessgames Member
  chrisowen: It was cheeky g4 looks promising. Lembit oh pick a tangle, would Kxg4 have rescued him? The king stands up but this aint Vegas baby. The gaff provides sweet nf2+ corners the king too liberal lynching e4. Er head for cover kxf4 I pencil in rg1 and white encapsulate. You do mate from bd2 'the hand' (monicker) would've gathered.
Premium Chessgames Member
  doubledrooks: I analyzed 29. g4+ Kxe4 (otherwise 30. fxg5) 30. Nf2+ Kf4 31. Bd2+, but realized this didn't work.

But perhaps first a move to confine the black king and then play Bd2 mate? I then found the handy 31. Rg1, and it's mate after 31...e4 32. Nh3 or 31...any other move 32. Bd2.

May-21-10   WhiteRook48: i had 29 fxg5
May-21-10   lzromeu: King march to oil.
Premium Chessgames Member
  aragorn69: Great play by old Smyslov! The alternate Bd2/Nh3 mates are very much like in a problem: obstruction of the e5/e4 squares respectively.
May-21-10   bambino3: this was ICC gotd a while ago
May-21-10   Yodaman: So what's the best line for black? (Instead of taking the rook, what should he do? Is there a way to make a win more difficult for white?)
Premium Chessgames Member
  wals: Even though a Rook and pawn in arrears, White came through splendidly. Just so the little ones can rest easy, and not toss and turn tonight. 31.Rg1 e4 32.Nh3# or 31...a6 32.Bd2#

Rybka 3 1-cpu: 3071mb hash: depth 18:

Black trailing +1.39, sank deeper into the bog with-

+3.51 28...Kf5. The only move to maintain the status quo was- 1. (1.39): 28...Bf6 29.Kf3 Kf7 30.Bb4 c5 31.Nxc5 Nxc5 32.Bxc5 Rc7 33.Bxa7 exf4 34.Rxf4 Rc3+ 35.Rd3 Rxc2 36.Bd4 Re6 37.a4 Kg6 38.Rxf6+ Rxf6+ 39.Bxf6 Kxf6 40.Rd6+ Kg5[] 41.Rd5+ Kg6 42.Rb5 Rc7 43.Kg4 Kg7

Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: <Yodaman> Take the pawn, Black should.

Gather round yound padawans and see if we can find Obi-Wan's missing variation:

29. g4+ Kxg4 30. fxg5 Kxg5. Two pawns for a bishop, black has.

May-21-10   zooter: well, this really is difficult. I was looking at Kf3 for a long time and also some bits of g4+ and fxg5 and am still not sure what the winning move is

Time to check

May-21-10   zooter: <Once:> Great story!
May-21-10   Dr. J: 28 f4 is indeed an extraordinary move, which commits White to the Rook sacrifice since otherwise he loses a pawn. But take a look at the position before White's 28th move. However does one come up with the idea of mating in 5 moves starting with f4 and g4+ ?!
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