Igor V Glek
Number of games in database: 1,041
Years covered: 1979 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2546
Highest rating achieved in database: 2601
Overall record: +434 -227 =361 (60.1%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.
      19 exhibition games, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (169) 
    B30 B40 B31 B90 B52
 French Defense (58) 
    C01 C11 C05 C07 C00
 Four Knights (47) 
    C47 C48
 Ruy Lopez (32) 
    C69 C60 C92 C80 C63
 Sicilian Najdorf (24) 
    B90 B93 B92
 Nimzo Indian (22) 
    E32 E41 E34 E38 E48
With the Black pieces:
 French Defense (184) 
    C07 C11 C12 C02 C00
 King's Indian (122) 
    E94 E60 E73 E92 E81
 French (91) 
    C11 C12 C00 C13
 French Tarrasch (61) 
    C07 C03 C05 C06
 Dutch Defense (43) 
    A90 A81 A84 A87 A85
 Sicilian (30) 
    B42 B22 B30 B40 B92
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Kramnik vs Glek, 1992 1/2-1/2
   Glek vs Z Lanka, 1997 1-0
   Glek vs A Rustemov, 2003 1-0
   Glek vs Granda-Zuniga, 1997 1-0
   D Rubin vs Glek, 1989 1/2-1/2
   G Orlov vs Glek, 1987 0-1
   Glek vs Romanishin, 1996 1-0
   Glek vs Van Den Doel, 1999 1-0

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   I.V. Glek: Sicilian - Rossolimo by criff
   Sicilian by ChessPraxis
   "E4 for the Creative Attacker" by Buddy Revell

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 page 1 of 42; games 1-25 of 1,041  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. V Vepkhvishvili vs Glek  ½-½65 1979 Ch SU \\B92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation
2. V Vepkhvishvili vs Glek  ½-½62 1980 Ch SU \\A48 King's Indian
3. W Grechinin vs Glek  ½-½31 1981 KuibyshevB89 Sicilian
4. Glek vs Kaidanov  ½-½24 1981 KuibyshevA29 English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto
5. Y Vetemaa vs Glek  0-121 1981 KuibyshevE97 King's Indian
6. Glek vs V Baikov 1-020 1982 URSC42 Petrov Defense
7. E Ubilava vs Glek  ½-½41 1983 MinskA57 Benko Gambit
8. Glek vs I Zaitsev  1-041 1983 MinskC69 Ruy Lopez, Exchange, Gligoric Variation, 6.d4
9. Glek vs Petrosian  ½-½50 1983 URSA04 Reti Opening
10. Glek vs Anikaev  ½-½39 1983 MinskA67 Benoni, Taimanov Variation
11. Glek vs Bagirov  ½-½42 1983 MinskD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
12. Kupreichik vs Glek  ½-½41 1983 MinskB15 Caro-Kann
13. Glek vs Averkin  ½-½26 1983 USSR 36/492D37 Queen's Gambit Declined
14. Glek vs Rozentalis  1-041 1983 MinskE32 Nimzo-Indian, Classical
15. Glek vs N Andrianov  0-138 1983 URSA43 Old Benoni
16. Eingorn vs Glek  1-053 1983 MinskD03 Torre Attack (Tartakower Variation)
17. P Korzubov vs Glek  1-080 1983 MinskB20 Sicilian
18. Glek vs V Yandemirov 1-022 1983 USSR 36/399C63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
19. Glek vs Gavrikov  ½-½47 1983 MinskB23 Sicilian, Closed
20. Suetin vs Glek  ½-½33 1983 Moskva 35/261B65 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack, 7...Be7 Defense, 9...Nxd4
21. J Klovans vs Glek  ½-½42 1983 MinskB92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation
22. Glek vs Bronstein  1-040 1983 MinskA80 Dutch
23. Glek vs A Sokolov  1-042 1983 USSR 36/284B81 Sicilian, Scheveningen, Keres Attack
24. Glek vs Chiburdanidze  0-128 1983 MinskB81 Sicilian, Scheveningen, Keres Attack
25. Balashov vs Glek  ½-½20 1983 MinskC07 French, Tarrasch
 page 1 of 42; games 1-25 of 1,041  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Glek wins | Glek loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Mar-21-04   Halfpricemidge: Any relation to Schrek the movie star?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Knight13: <Halfpricemidge> I don't think so.
Sep-07-04   Helloween: No, but R Schreck might be.
Sep-07-04   Giancarlo: Anyone who plays Dutch has a special place in my heart!
Jan-11-06   LancelotduLac: Glek has an extensive and very creative opening repertoire
Nov-07-06   BIDMONFA: Igor V Glek

GLEK, Igor V.

Aug-09-07   pazzed paun: the selection of games on this page may not be complete but it would seem to show GLEK as having a rather narrow repertoire
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