G Timmerman 
Timmerman demonstrating the critical move
34...Bf5!! from Oosterom-Timmerman, 1996

Photo: Nol van't Riet

Gert Jan Timmerman
Number of games in database: 417
Years covered: 1971 to 2007
Highest rating achieved in database: 2350
Overall record: +197 -112 =108 (60.2%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (77) 
    B87 B81 B33 B62 B42
 Ruy Lopez (31) 
    C89 C78 C92 C99 C84
 French Winawer (19) 
    C18 C16 C15 C17 C19
 Caro-Kann (18) 
    B18 B11 B16 B10 B15
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (16) 
    C89 C92 C99 C84 C95
 Scotch Game (11) 
With the Black pieces:
 Ruy Lopez (34) 
    C63 C78 C77 C69 C64
 King's Indian (30) 
    E91 E97 E90 E76 E61
 Dutch Defense (29) 
    A88 A81 A85 A90 A94
 Vienna Opening (11) 
    C27 C26 C29 C28
 Two Knights (10) 
    C55 C59 C58
 Sicilian (9) 
    B30 B68 B69 B58 B61
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   O Ekebjaerg vs G Timmerman, 1991 0-1
   J Van Oosterom vs G Timmerman, 1996 0-1
   G Sanakoev vs G Timmerman, 2003 0-1
   A Anton vs G Timmerman, 1986 0-1

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   The King's Indian Defence by MadBishop
   Timmerman with the Schliemann by karnak64
   Corr. games by ffpainz
   Leningrad Dutch games by MarkThornton

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(born Apr-15-1956) Netherlands

[what is this?]
Gert Timmerman is a Dutch chess player who specializes in correspondence chess. In 1976, he began playing postal chess in small seven player groups at the third highest class in Holland. He progressively promoted to the higher levels, and by 1981 he had achieved the right to play in the 10th Dutch Championship-group, in which Max Euwe was also competing.

By 1996, Timmerman climbed to the #1 position in the ICCF rating list, which earned him a "wildcard" entry into the 15th World Correspondence Championship. Timmerman won the event in 2002, thereby becoming the 15th World Correspondence Chess Champion.

 page 1 of 17; games 1-25 of 417  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. G Timmerman vs C Bologni  0-138 1971 corrE88 King's Indian, Samisch, Orthodox, 7.d5 c6
2. C Bologni vs G Timmerman  1-026 1971 corrB61 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, Larsen Variation, 7.Qd2
3. G Timmerman vs P Hoogervorst 1-036 1976 NED-chT3 I-123 corr7677A59 Benko Gambit
4. J Franssen vs G Timmerman  0-115 1976 NED-chT3 I-122 corr7677A02 Bird's Opening
5. G Timmerman vs P Verschuren 1-048 1976 NED Cup corr7677A09 Reti Opening
6. H Dalmolen vs G Timmerman  ½-½45 1976 NED-chT3 I-123 corr7677C18 French, Winawer
7. G Timmerman vs A Morssinkhof  1-025 1976 NED-chT3 I-122 corr7677C63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
8. G Tigchelaar vs G Timmerman  0-116 1976 NED Cup corr7677B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
9. G Timmerman vs Y Brinksma  ½-½32 1976 NED Cup corr7677D41 Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch
10. S Boog vs G Timmerman  0-122 1976 NED-chT3 I-123 corr7677B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
11. G Timmerman vs K Kloppenburg  ½-½47 1976 NED-chT3 I-122 corr7677C95 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Breyer
12. G Timmerman vs C Van Eijsbergen  1-041 1976 NED-chT3 I-123 corr7677A84 Dutch
13. J Erwich vs G Timmerman  0-112 1976 NED Cup corr7677B07 Pirc
14. G Visser vs G Timmerman  0-122 1976 NED-chT3 I-122 corr7677B32 Sicilian
15. G Timmerman vs J Daniels  1-035 1976 NED-chT3 I-122 corr7677C99 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin,
16. G Timmerman vs L Poley  1-039 1976 NED-chT3 I-123 corr7677A85 Dutch, with c4 & Nc3
17. T G Schut vs G Timmerman  0-123 1976 NED-chT3 I-122 corr7677D86 Grunfeld, Exchange
18. G Timmerman vs P A Boll  1-018 1976 NED-Cup corrB87 Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5
19. M De Groot vs G Timmerman  1-034 1976 NED-chT3 I-123 corr7677E90 King's Indian
20. P A Boll vs G Timmerman 1-023 1978 NED-ch08 corr7880A57 Benko Gambit
21. G Timmerman vs P Tolk  0-132 1979 Dieren op 10thB83 Sicilian
22. M Fiorito vs G Timmerman  0-143 1980 NED-ch10 corrC27 Vienna Game
23. G Timmerman vs R Hartog  1-018 1980 FRG corrB87 Sicilian, Fischer-Sozin with ...a6 and ...b5
24. P Seewald vs G Timmerman  ½-½41 1980 NED-ch10 corrE77 King's Indian
25. G Timmerman vs K Nienhuis  ½-½40 1980 NED-ch10 corrC60 Ruy Lopez
 page 1 of 17; games 1-25 of 417  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Timmerman wins | Timmerman loses  

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Kibitzer's Corner
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May-17-07   whiteshark: <lonepsycho> / <all>:

I don't understand why you expect a Dutch defence - his main (sole) defence is <<<>KINGSINDIAN<>>>. That's what he played during The Massow Memorial and during WCh XV.

<Since 1994 he didn't play another defence than KID against 1. d4> (and I didn't check the years before)

Premium Chessgames Member
  chessmoron: <all> What the hell are you guys doing? Why can we wait to August to discuss the game? ...and post on a hidden forum. I like CG to delete all this while we still have time.
May-17-07   whiteshark: <chessmoron>
I start preparing against GMT <now>, and each misleading information should be corrected at once.
May-26-07   whiteshark: ebay-profile:
May-26-07   whiteshark: ebay-profile of GMT:, where he bought over 2,100 chessbooks !!!!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Boomie: Let's not discuss the upcoming game against GJT here. Use my forum instead.
Jul-06-07   piroflip: lostemperor
"He said after becoming WC, he followed the computer recomendation only about 40% of the time. So in corresponence chess man is still (clearly) superior to computers!"

are the top players in CC allowed to use computers at the world champs?

Premium Chessgames Member
  kellmano: <He said after becoming WC, he followed the computer recomendation only about 40% of the time. So in corresponence chess man is still (clearly) superior to computers!">

If I played a consultation game with Kasparov on my team, and only followed his advice 40% of the time, would that make me clearly better than him?

Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: <piroflip> I think all corespondence championships allow computers. How to prevent it?

<If I played a consultation game with Kasparov on my team, and only followed his advice 40% of the time, would that make me clearly better than him?> it would not make you better than him but it will in correspondence chess, depending on your strength of course, assuming Kasparov only look at the position for a limited "OTB" time. See a computer can't go much deeper even if you let it think for two days (or two weeks for that matter) but you will. Although I am not an expert on modern day computers and chess programs.

Premium Chessgames Member
  MrSpock: Hello Mr. Timmerman

Thank your very much indeed for playing this match against the world team.

Regards, from Zürich Switzerland

Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: Dear Sir,

I'm looking forward to the World's game against a very tough and formidable opponent! Good luck to both sides!

Premium Chessgames Member
  Rocafella: <If I played a consultation game with Kasparov on my team, and only followed his advice 40% of the time, would that make me clearly better than him?>

Nope. Just insane.

Premium Chessgames Member
  TefthePersian: It's an honor to have a world champion play us, thank you for the opportunity.
Premium Chessgames Member
  chesstoplay: Thank your very much for playing this game!

Best regards from Chicago, USA.

Premium Chessgames Member
  kingscrusher: In case anyone wanted to see my multimedia videos of three interesting Timmerman games, here they are:-

Premium Chessgames Member
  gjtimmerman: Why not test the Dutch Defence?

Good Luck in our game to all Chessgame-players!

With Kind Wishes from Holland,

Gert Jan Timmerman

Premium Chessgames Member
  Open Defence: yes GM Timmerman why not ... thank you for agreeing to play us,

Best of luck though we need it more,
Looking forward to a great fighting game and a lot of learning

Premium Chessgames Member
  dalbertz: Thank you, GM Timmerman. Best of luck and best wishes to you, too!
Aug-03-07   Stonehenge: Ik hoopte al een beetje op het Hollands, bedankt!
Premium Chessgames Member
  karnak64: GM Timmerman, it's an honor to play you. It means a lot to amateurs like me to interact with players of the top caliber: Viel gluck!
Premium Chessgames Member
  GoldenKnight: Thank you GM Timmerman. We are looking forward to out game. I agree that we'll learn a lot. We certainly did in our last two games. Win, lose or draw, you will raise our level of play.

Best wishes from the San Francisco Bay Area in California, U.S.A.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Arkanin: I wish the best of health and fortune to you, and I look forward to a truly great game of chess. I really mean that; you are just the best, and this could well be our hardest game so far.

Greetings from Texas, where everything's bigger -- except for our brains ;) --


Premium Chessgames Member
  Nightranger: Thank you GM Timmerman for agreeing to this game. I agree with Karnak64... It does mean a lot to us amateurs. I'm sure we will all learn a lot from this game as well.
Aug-04-07   Karpova: Thanks GM Timmerman for playing us! It's great to face the 15th CC Worldchampion and I hope that we put up a good fight!
Sep-25-07   Ultra: <An Englishman> If we open 1. d4 against GM Timmerman, we will most likely face the Dutch Defense.

Good post.

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